What are you doing/eating today (Saturday)

on 3/7/14 2:22 pm

RNY  4 Years 11 Months Post Op


Cant sleep.....so might as well get this started......golfing this morning.....out for dinner this evening.....a pretty good day all around.......ate way too much yesterday off plan.....good wls food....but too much and too often....and the calories all add up in the end.....


STEPS - 6790


B - 2 large mugs of regular coffee

     Premier protein shake


S - Smuckers Crustables P/B and Jelly


L - Garden salad with full fat dressing on the side and grilled chicken


D - 6 oz Sea Bass

     2 broiled tomatoes

    1 glass of Pinot Noir


S - Skinny Cow fudgesicle


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,363,  Carbs - 83 grams,  Fat - 36 grams,  Protein - 87 grams


All water....vits

Have a great one   






on 3/7/14 7:52 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

9 Months Post OP

Steps 8529


Good morning,

Barb, enjoy your day! What are Smuckers Crustables?

Hubby is home for the weekend,,,yayay. The little hair of ours is going to the doggie spa today (Lucky dog!!) DH and I have a bit of running around to do, Might check out a movie tonight.

I hope today is as nice as yesterday was, fingers crossed :)

B- greek turkey burger (no bun or fixings) protein coffee

S- pure protein bar (if needed)

L-1 cup veggie beef soup

S-small mandarine w/ cheese string

D- 2 oz chicken breast w/ kale salad/poopyseed dressing on side

S- 1/3 cup greek yogurt w/ blueberries


Be well everyone!







on 3/7/14 8:07 pm

Glad your husband is home......how did you do your first week alone?....hope all went well

Smuckers Crustables are pre-made peanut butter and grape jelly sandwiches .....they are 190 calories.......and I use them often when out on the golf course.....my protein bars melt in the heat here.....they are in the freezer section here.....I have never seen them in Ontario...for me they are a good grab and go with not too many calories.....






on 3/7/14 8:23 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

First week was ok, stayed on track for the most part. I found myself nibbling here and there a few times, still not allowed to work out yet, just walking until I get ok from Dr. I have discovered loom knitting and have fun with it.

Next week will be better as I am back to work on Monday and back to my routine, thankfully!

I am going to look for these Crustables, they would be good in a pinch. Thanks Barb :)







on 3/7/14 8:30 pm
RNY on 12/05/13

3 months +

Good morning everyone

Steps yesterday 9950 - had i known/looked i would have stepped a few steps more for my 10K

Open house today. Exercising not much else. Feeling a bit down and will do my best to pull myself out of it.

B- fried egg pea meal bacon

S- oikos greek cherry on the bottom yogurt, all max protein powder

Lunch –my version of the pickle/ham/cheese roll up, mustard for dipping!

S- tzatzi****lery

Dinner –tvp chili

FITNESS PAL Calories 924 Carbs 69 Fat 30 Protein 105

Have a great day friends!


Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 3/8/14 3:43 am

Too bad you are feeling down.....are you in a stall?....that can disappoint you.....just remember it will pass






on 3/8/14 6:24 am
RNY on 12/05/13

The stall doesn't have me down. I think I just need spring. Thanks for asking I'll be fine!

Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 3/7/14 9:49 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Woke up with a bad pain day. Makes getting moving a little harder. Off for a walk this morning with dog and husband. My husband very seldom takes Saturday off. But he is working tomorrow and did not want to work both. So our walk should be fairly long. Might go to Kensington Market this afternoon. I found a meat store there that has smoked ham hocks for soup. Have to try fitting in some other grocery shopping today. Since he is working tomorrow I want to do some bulk cooking. freezer is getting empty. My menu is not complete because I am having trouble figuring out dinner. I have put steak but this may change

b greek yogurt, blueberries

l ww bread, turkey, mayo

s pure protein bar

d steak, salad, cauliflower

s wine

cal 1067, carb 75.8, prot 78





on 3/8/14 3:44 am

Too bad re the pain Pat.....I love ham hocks for soup.....sounds like you may be making some pea soup soon?






on 3/8/14 5:45 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Pea and lentil soup. I really like it and it freezes great





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