on 3/1/14 6:57 pm

I took 2 Metamucil capsules per shake to help with fibre requirements.  Then I suffered from Optitrots and the APN advised me to take 5 Metamucil capsules per shake.  That really helped.  Not sure if you are doing the same with your Optifast?  The Metamucil capsules are for either Optitrots OR Opticlog.


Good luck.  It does get better.



Robyn R.
on 3/1/14 9:34 pm - Bowmanville, Canada

Having done Optifast earlier this year, I know exactly where you are coming from. Most people say day 3-5 is the worst and I have oh say it was for me. That being said I looked at it as mind over matter. I needed to do this in order to get the surgery. Keep your eye on the prize.

All the best, you can do this!

ps if your center allows small amounts of veggies like mine did then take advantage as it helps. However, that being said, it is at least 2 weeks after surgery before you can chew anything so if it's a chewing thing

Referral Summer 2012, Orientation June 10/13 HRRH, Dr Hagen July 3/13, Dr Glazer, RN/RD/SW September 19/13, Dr Hagen October 10/13, Surgery January 21/14


HW 290  Opti Start Weight 280.9  Surgery Weight 264.8 CW 207


on 3/1/14 10:27 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Opti is hard. ut you are doing great. I found having broth between shakes helped a lot. Some people have added spices to make it even better. I didn't think of that but still fund broth a great help. Good luck





on 3/2/14 12:40 am

Let me know if it gets better, I am not looking forward to optifast at all !!!


Tina G.
on 3/2/14 4:10 am - Peterborough, Canada
RNY on 04/14/14

Hi there. I started my journey July 2013, for the first Bariatric session. Followed by RN, SW, RD and Surgeon in Sept 2013. I met alone with the surgeon who is r Klein at Humber River Regional Hospital in Toronto Dec 15th 2013. My surgery is booked for April 9th 2014. MY Opti fast starts on Mar 26th. I can't say as I am looking forward to the opti as my best friend did this surgery a little over a yr ago, however, having said that she is a knock out to look at and she feels so much better, her health is so much better and she can do everything she ever wanted to do. She is an inspiration to me and to anyone else who gets to know her. I hear adding crystal light to your opti is really good.

I have my pre op on the 18th of March and I am wanting to find out if indeed we are allowed to have things such as raw carrots while on Opti. I know my best friend wasn't allowed anything except broth and water, and she was only allowed 1/4 cup broth a day.

If you are interested in chatting let me know. Take care


on 3/2/14 1:21 am, edited 3/2/14 1:23 am

I used Optifast and Medifast as my primary weight loss programs back when Oprah came out in her size 6 Calvin Kleins.

I lost weight, but as soon as I started the re-feeding/maintenance phase, I gained back all I lost and more.

Here's the deal:  Back then, it was a medically-supervised fast, with nothing but the protein shakes for 16 weeks.

Your body goes into ketosis, which burns fat, and the protein shakes are there to make sure your body doesn't start

using muscle as an energy source.  It is a starvation diet.

Many who have done WLS are required to use Optifast for two weeks prior to surgery to shrink the liver, by using the

fat stored in it, since many MO and SMO patients also have fatty liver disease.  Using the fat stores in the liver

decreases the chance of liver injury during surgery.

My surgeon did not require that prior to my Duodenal Switch.  It's actually surgeon-preference in that case. 

That being said, the physical and mental hunger will go away the longer you are on Optifast.  It's kinda like weaning a 

drug addict off of his/her drug of choice.

For many of us who have struggled with obesity, food is our drug.

Hope I made sense. 


HW 405/SW 397/CW 138/GW 160  Do the research!  Check the stats!
The DS is *THE* solution to Severe Morbid Obesity!


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