Post-ops gone???

on 2/24/14 7:57 am

It sounds so strange to me to not get hungry, but I hear it is only temporary.  Has your taste in foods changed as well?  Does food taste different?  Sorry for all the questions, I am having a anxious day....

on 2/24/14 8:20 am - North Bay, Canada

No need to apologize, i completely understand. My taste has not changed, and food tastes the same to me.  I have only tried beef that has been cooked in the slow cooker. Was never a big beef eater so don't really care if i eat it or not. It was fine. Pork sits a little heavy, chicken, fish, lentil, beans, greek yogurt and cheese are my go to food for protein.

RNY - Dec 18/2013

 HW- 333 lbs. Approved for Surgery- 285.4 SW- 272.  GW-160-180


on 2/24/14 8:42 am

Thank you for your reply, I am putting together a post-op cookbook on and plan to include slowcooker meat recipes.  I loooovee lentils, so that will be on my list as well.  Heard turkey has a lot of protein too so I have been making stuff using it lately in preparation for after surgery. Chilli and meat sauce made with ground turkey meat were both really good, tasted just like regular ground meat. 

(deactivated member)
on 2/24/14 8:36 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

This is very common.  People post tons while they are going through the process and getting ready for surgery then will post right after surgery then they just stop posting.  I've seen it happen more often than not in the 10 years I have been on OH.  There are very few of us that stick around long term.  No news is good news most of the time on here, people get the info and support they need/want pre-op then they disappear until a problem arises.  I personally find it selfish when people do that but to each their own.

on 2/24/14 8:49 am

10 years - that is amazing!  Well, I want you to know that I really appreciate your being there for us pre-ops and hope you continue posting here and helping others. 

Barbara C.
on 2/24/14 8:50 am - Raleigh, NC

I'm almost 7 years post op. I was very active on the boards until the last year or so. Many of the people that I had connected with had drifted off and I don't really know anyone anymore, so it's harder to post regularly when I don't really know others.

I wish you all the best,

ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

on 2/24/14 8:49 pm

Thank you Barbara

on 2/24/14 9:38 am

Well I can only speak for me but I am back! I have been gone for quite awhile but have come "home" I know in my case anyway- once you get through the worst part- getting to surgery, getting the surgery and then getting to goal your whole life changes.. you start a whole new life and just get busy- I am discovering that it doesn't work all that well ;) You think you are great- you don't need the site and support anymore but really you do!

on 2/24/14 8:51 pm

Thank you for posting

on 2/24/14 4:41 pm - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 11/19/13

I am still around... nothing interesting to report on my end.


Referral sent - Jan 11/13  Orientation - Apr 4/13  Nurse & Dietitian - Apr 8/13 (287 lbs)   Food Class - Apr 10/13  Social worker - Apr 29/13   Nurse, Dietitian & Social worker - Jun 3/13 (284 lbs)   Meet Surgeon - Oct 31/13 (277 lbs)   Post-op food class - Nov 4/13   PATTS - Nov 6/13 & Nov 15/13   Surgery - Nov 19/13 (264 lbs)


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