HRRH Surgery Dates

on 2/23/14 7:26 am - barrie, Canada

Hi HRRH patients,


Just wondering if anyone got a surgery date recently out of humber and what the timeline is like.  I am with Dr Quoc Hyuhn.  I have my appointment with dr glazer on Tuesday and am getting excited!




Referral - Sept 23rd, Resent Referral - Oct 29th - Orientation Nov 18/13, Dr Hyuhn Nov 26  -  SW/RN/RD - DEC 20TH - DR GLAZER FEB 25/13 Surgery Date: June 3, 2014

HW:252 OPTI W:224  SW 212 CW:205.5

on 2/23/14 10:26 am - Port Hope, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/11/14

A friend of mine met with Dr Hagen on Thursday and she was given a date of August 5th, she was told all the surgeons are booking for August as she opted to go with another if it got her in sooner. 

Good luck this week!!

Referral - Oct 29/13

Info Session - Nov 18/13...1st surgeon appt - Nov 26/13...RN/SW/RD - Dec - 4/13...Dr.Glazer - Jan 8/14...2nd Surgeon appt - Jan 22/14 PATTS - Jan 29/14...

SURGERY!!!! FEBRUARY 11th 2014.


(deactivated member)
on 2/23/14 10:34 am

from what I see across the board, there is no logic to scheduling. I thought they were on a first come-first serve basis, at least that's what I was told, unless there are severe cases, that can't wait. That's not what I see. There are three months waits and there are 1-year waits for similar cir****tances. What does it depend on ? - Who knows. Mood of a front desk girl, scheduling it on a certain day ? Maybe.

on 2/23/14 10:47 am
RNY on 03/20/14

I have to agree with what So_Jaded wrote. There really does not seem to any rhyme or reason to scheduling. I do see that it depends on how many tests you require, pre-surgery. However, in terms of the actual booking of a date for surgery after meeting the surgeon it really varies greatly. I think it could really be a matter of the mood of the people at the front, the luck of the draw, the squeaky wheel getting the grease (calling frequently) and many other factors that no one really seems to know or wants to disclose. Patience is a virtue to many contemplating this life altering procedure. My will have been 18 months from the time of referral to actual surgery. I do know that some of the wait time I have run into can be contributed to human error, in being referred to the wrong clinic for sleep study causing a 4 month wait when it should have been fairly quick. Also, in Kingston apparently there is only one doctor who performs endoscopy tests so this made for a very long wait and ultimately being referred to Ottawa for the test. Also, a three week wait for the results of the test. Personally I think there are some tactics in place to "slow" this down for some, as I am certain there is not enough OR time for everyone wishing to have this surgery. I am grateful for this opportunity and appreciative but I can't say that I haven't felt frustration at times.

(deactivated member)
on 2/23/14 11:00 am, edited 2/23/14 11:00 am

I am getting very frustrated. More so after the recent SW appointment. I thought they were supposed to check whether I am ready and compliant for the surgery. We said Hi, she shoved a list of prices for OPTI and post-op meds, asked if I could afford it. Asked me if I eat when I am bored and told me that if someone tells me that I can't have a burger, I would want it. So, I should work on myself to convince myself that I am not denied something, I just don't want it of my own free will. Then we were done. Really ? Or we would have a more productive session, if I broke down and cried and blamed my mother for my weight ? Sorry, for venting, I just left there absolutely speechless. If  that's how those sessions go, I now understand why some people fall into old habits right after surgery. They weren't ready.


on 2/24/14 12:05 am - Canada
RNY on 07/17/13
during my assessment with RN, SW and NUT, the NUT threw a box of kleenex at me because I was upset due to anxiety. She was angry with me for showing the slightest bit of emotion. CRAZY! But the SW was a joke, had to keep asking my name and my husbands even though she wrote it down, she was repeating questions and staring into space..I was a bit shocked to say the least. BUT it does seem as though some flow through without any further testing while others (high risk or not) get put through the wringer! Also dates have to do with funding from the government. Not surehow it works..but I know that is part of the hold up.
(deactivated member)
on 2/24/14 12:18 am

SW asked my children's ages 4(!!!) times during a 10 minute period. At the end I just relaxed and had fun. My whole session was about 20 minutes, didn't understand the purpose of it at all. RN and RD was quite thorough and educational.

on 2/23/14 9:43 pm - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 06/13/14

My surgery date for Dr. Hagen at HRRH is August 5, and I received that last Thursday. It's pretty much 5 months away. Either way the whole process from the time of referral to actual surgery is less than a year for me :)



SURGERY: Jun13, 2014  Starting Weight: 370lbs, Current Weight: 198lbs, Goal Weight: 180lbs


on 7/28/14 12:40 pm - Canada

I am also getting surgery at HRRH on August 6th good luck :-)

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