patch on tongue - b12 deficiency?

Katie M.
on 2/20/14 12:46 am - Georgetown, Canada
RNY on 10/18/13

I noticed a strange patch on my tongue this morning, almost like a spot where the taste buds have disappeared, sort of off to one side. A quick google diagnosis suggested b12 deficiency. I take 1000 mcg of B12 every other day via sub lingual. And over the last four days I have experienced what I can only really describe as neuropathy... a sort of tingling or energy current down one arm, or down my spine. Has anyone else ever experienced a patch on the tongue that was linked to vitamin deficiency? Was it very serious? I am seeing my family doc tonight but I'm sort of freaking out now! I go for my three month check up at TWH on the 25th but they messed up so I won't get to see a nurse that day. I've been faithfully taking my vits so I am concerned about all my levels now, if it is a case of deficiency :\

on 2/20/14 4:39 am - Canada

Hi Katie, I have had the shock in my spinal cord up to the back of my neck and the electrical type shock from my chest area to the palm of my right hand for the past 4 years on and off, i do have low B12 and have had to do shots weekly at my Doctor when the level gets too low.  I always believed it to be neuropathy, i have researched it online and the symptoms are also those of MS, my doctor and i have discussed this and because of my low levels of B12 previously it was explained to be neuropathy that is permanent. I hope this is not the case for you.

Orientation HRRH Oct 21,13 / Surgeon Nov 1,13 / SW,RD,RN, Internist Dec 3,13 / PATTS Jan 14,14 / Surgery Jan 20,14


Katie M.
on 2/20/14 8:03 am - Georgetown, Canada
RNY on 10/18/13

Did your doc think it was linked to MS, or just that your B12 has been too low? It seems like so much is linked to MS when you do internet research, so I really hope that's not the case for you!! The permanent neuropathy doesn't sound great either, sorry to hear about that. It's a strange feeling, that's for sure. My doc doesn't think it will be permanent for me if I can get my levels up, but it's hard to know how long they have been too low. The first big symptoms just started this week... He's asked me to start taking 1000 mcg every day rather than every other day, so we'll see what that does. I have to talk to the team at TWH and see what they recommend, but my doc wants me to start coming in for the shot.

Referral May 2013 / orientation at TWH June 27 / nurse practitioner July 3 / social worker August 19 / nutrition class August 26 / nutritionist August 30 / psychologist September 3 / meet surgeon (Dr. Penner) September 20 / PATTS October 10 / Surgery October 18 2013!  


on 2/20/14 7:51 am

My last bloodtest revealed I had dangerously low B12 levels, so I was told to take 1200 b12 per day to get my levels up.  I am hoping this has worked, as I have new bloodwork in a few weeks.  Have you also been feeling low energy?  That can also be a sign.  If it is B12 they might tell you to up your dosage. Hope your doc apt goes well - let us know what they say.

Katie M.
on 2/20/14 8:07 am - Georgetown, Canada
RNY on 10/18/13

Fingers crossed your levels are better now that you've upped your dose!! My doc doesn't have a copy of the labs I had done back in January in preparation for my 3 month check up, so he's given me another requisition to have them done now (since they may be worse now than they were in Jan) He told me to start taking 1000 mcg every day rather than every other day, and we'll see what TWH says. But he wants me to start coming in for the shot once I discuss things with the team at TWH. He doesn't seem to think anything too serious is happening other than my levels are low and my body is letting me know with the neuropathy and tongue patch - my energy isn't especially low, but I did miss a period in January and they had been like clockwork in the months before that, so he is wondering about anemia which runs in my family and is linked to low B12. I hope he's right that nothing too bad is going on inside, but my worry level is up there after I saw this big thing on my tongue so I am anxious to talk to TWH!!

Anyway, fingers crossed both you and I will be fine once we get our levels back up!!

Referral May 2013 / orientation at TWH June 27 / nurse practitioner July 3 / social worker August 19 / nutrition class August 26 / nutritionist August 30 / psychologist September 3 / meet surgeon (Dr. Penner) September 20 / PATTS October 10 / Surgery October 18 2013!  


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