What are you eating/doing today (Wednesday)
Thanks Barb, I'm sure I will too. I'm slightly dreading telling my husband about the purchase when he gets home tonight, but that's okay, he'll get over it. :) Thanks for the well wishes. Family stuff is mostly sorted out, it's mostly the emotional aftermath I'm dealing with now, but I will survive! :)
Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011 Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012 Surgery: Nov 7, 2012
Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.
I use one rounded teaspoon of instant coffee in 1/3 cup of water then add my premier protein shake and microwave for 130 seconds and voila! Nice hot moccachino! Hot coffee and chocolate together! Yummy!
Referral Date: May 29, 2012; TWH Orientation: June 19,2012; Nurse Practitioner Group Session and Social Worker Initial Assessment: September 25, 2012; Nurse Practitioner One-on-One and Psych. Assessment: January 18, 2013; Met with surgeon: March 8, 2013; Pre-Op scheduled: June 20,2013; Surgery scheduled: July 17, 2013! Surgery Completed!

Good evening :)
Late, I know.. Today was one of those days with food for me... I am stressed out with this wound stuff going on. I have an appt with Dr Yuesiff tomorrow (Dr Nan is away). I made the appt 2 weeks ago as per what the dr said when I was in the ER. I asked DrNan when I seen him last week if I should cancel it or keep it and he said to keep it, "just in case". I asked my nurse about it last night while she was here and her words were, "You are going to that appt. You need to find out what he is going to do about this wound" It is getting bigger on the inside (it's 2.5 inches all around but on the inside, she measured it. It makes gurgling noises and is still draining fluid out of it). It's leaking too much and it is too big to pack BUT it's covered. This is very hard for me. I usually heal pretty quick (I did with any other surgery in the past). I even had to have someone come clean my house; that was REALLY hard for me, cuz that is what I do. But it had to be done.
I will just keep meddling thru...
B- french toast
L- stoffer's mac n cheese
D- chicken, forkful homefries and a perogie
snacks- yoguart ... I will eat a piece of fruit in a bit
All liquids and vitamins in
Have a good evening :)
Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!
Life is GREAT!!!
Had my plastic surgery!