at dr.glazer's appointment he will go over everything with you, do an EKG and then decide whether he thinks you need a sleep study (for sleep apnea). If you do not need a sleep study or any other tests (ultrasound, sleep study, blood test, etc) and he gives you the go ahead, then you call your surgeon and let them know that you have been given the go ahead by the bariatric clinic as well as dr. glazer. they will then book your second surgeon appointment :)
Hi Joanne,
Do not be afraid of this procedure. If you have any questions with any of the providers do not hesitate to ask them. I too have Dr. Glazier as an Internist and my surgery is booked for April 9th 2014. It all started back Aug 15th 2013 and moved what I thought was fast. I also was also told to have a sleep study done, which is pretty common for all patients. I passed as I knew I would...LOL but had a couple other issues that needed to be looked after with Dr. Glazier. I really like him and found him to be a walking "Google" if you ask he will sit back and answer, but I do agree that he does appear as having one foot out the door. But like I said do not be afraid to ask anything. My 20 year old son was with me the day he signed me off for surgery and he was more than happy to explain the process to my son and anything my son asked him. (hubby had to work that day) As far as your diabeties this surgery can pretty much cure you of it. My hubby has diabeties as well and his specialist has suggested to him also to have this surgery for the very reason of him being diabetic, but he is a little reluctant to pursue this at this time, he says he will wait and see how I do after and let me get better, but he says he has no choice but to loose weight and get healthier because of the way I now eat and will continue to eat..he does not expect me to cook separate meals he will eat the same way I do..as far as your sleep apnea I see on this forum there is a woman looking to give away a cpap machine. My understanding is that after surgery your sleep apnea should get better if not be gone as well. Good luck with your journey. If you want to chat feel free to reply.

Good afternoon Joanne:
Sorry I seem to be a busy woman this month, every other day or every two days seems to be an appointment..LOL. Glad I could be of some help to you. I was also diagnosed with a severe case of restless leg syndrome. I'm surprised my hubby hasn't complained..but so long as I am not aware of it and it doesn't seem to bother me I don't worry about it.
Yes, as I stated in my prior email I have started to change the way I eat, think, and go about life. I started some time ago but got very serious about it back in September, I let myself have the summer..LOl I mean let's face it I live on the lake and who doesn't like a good hotdog on a stick at the fire..LOL. But after September I changed. I eat very low fat or zero fat, low cals, or very little, increased my proteins because I have NEVER been good with protein. I'm not a meat lover. I was so shocked to learn that there is so much more out there that has high protein but not meat or tofu.Gross...however, I do want to try it. I don't seem to have any problems with not eating fast food, I mean I only have it as a treat if I'm lucky once a month if that. I was and did have an addiction to ice cream, but I even kicked that habit. I don't crave it either, infact I find it too sweet now. I did however replace it with a lot more yogurt. I find I like the thick creamy consistency. I had to go on Vitamin B 12 in high doses as it would appear I was lacking it big time, how I am not sure I LOVE summer and live outdoors, hibernate in the winter..LOL but I am also lactose intolerant so I maybe lack getting my vitamin D from the lack of my milk...that's going to be a huge issue for me,, and really NOT sure what to do about it. I also HATE the taste of milk. I have never In my life eaten butter or margarine so those aren't issues. Since removing all the bad foods from my body I have felt so much better and if an when I do eat some I pay for it dearly now. I have also got cravings for some of the strangest things now, some things I have never liked before, (avocado) is one.
Tomorrow the 6th of March I go to my family Dr for that part of the physical for surgery and then the pretty much all day part at Humber on the 18th. Surgery is booked for 10:00 am on the 9th of April. Yes, I am very excited, but also nervous even though I have researched and read about this procedure in great depth.
I'm sorry but I can't remember if you said you were being done at Humber as well? I am having this surgery done because I have severe GERD and my digestive system doesn't work well at all.
I look forward to receiving a reply from you, excited to hear how your journey started, how it is going and what you want out of it and more.