Revision possible?

on 2/17/14 8:22 am

Hi everyone

want to start by saying i love this site and love all the encouragement, support and dedication made from all of you

i had gastroplasty (stapling) about 15 years ago or so, I never received any follow up because the doctor who performed my surgery lost his license to other issues, i lost some weight but not all and anything i did lose i gained back plus, I have become depressed once again because my health is in jeopardy, I suffer from muscle/bone aches, high blood pressure and my favorite obesity.. :(

last year i went to see Dr Starr in toronto hoping he could help me out and say there is something they can do to help me but, as much as i enjoyed him he didn't have much to say other than it couldn't be done...he did confirm that the pouch had stretched and my stomach was the size of a normal persons stomach but yet, i throw up at time, feel achy and all that stuff

a year has gone by and i feel worse, legs constantly swelling, aching all over and somewhat desperate for help.  I reached out to my family doctor who is going to have me see Dr Hagen who works out of HRRH in toronto, I'm told he has done revision surgery

I was wondering if anyone out there has ever had to deal with what I went through and if revision surgery was possible/effective

My husband is supporting me this time around as he knows my weight is what brings me down the most, I have spent all my money on weigh****chers, bernstein, diet name it, nothing worked

I want to do this, I need to know if its possible...any help would be appreciated


on 2/17/14 9:12 am, edited 2/17/14 9:13 am

Hello, I too had a stomach stapling done in the 90s. I believe I also had your surgeon. Dr Joffee who lost his license and now has a practice out of Mexico?.. Anyhow I had Dr. Hagan do my revision June 27/13 . He is wonderful. He will want to do a scope to see whats left and going on with the old surgery. Mine was very difficult do to a hernia repair I also had done in 2007.So he had a wall of bowels to pull away from the mesh and work around. The surgery was a little longer, and everything went great. I have had ZERO issues so far. He did a wonderful job , its been 7 1/2 months and I have lost 120 lbs . I have 13 lbs for my goal of 140 lbs ...... I wish you good luck. Krista..

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


on 2/17/14 9:26 am

Krista, I am crying as I read your post.  I didn't think there was any hope left for me...thank you so much for reassuring me that it could be done.  I had a scope done a year ago by Dr Starr but will have another if recommended by Dr Hagen.  Can I ask, how long was recovery, I'm hoping if the surgery is possible that its laproscopic, again thank you and most of all CONGRATULATIONS


on 2/17/14 9:32 am

I was in your position a year ago.. I didn't think it would be possible. Dr Hagan is the best of the best on Revisions. If anyone can do it , he can... My recovery was a little longer . I stayed off work 5 weeks. But I felt I could have went back after 4..I am sending prayers your way hun. When do you see Dr Hagan?


Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


on 2/17/14 10:12 am

I can handle four weeks.  I'm waiting to hear back from the referring physician who is sending me to see Dr Hagen. I'm hoping it's soon.  I'm supposed to call the office on Wednesday if she hasn't called me back by then.

Thank you for your support.  At least I can sleep a little easier now.

I would love to hear your story some time

on 2/17/14 9:38 am

Also I thought for sure I would have to have open surgery. Dr Hagan reassured me he has never had to do open ...I have talked to a few others that he also did a revision on...They say that we who have revisions have a greater chance of not losing as much or getting to goal.. That has only made me try even harder. I was given this second chance and I was going to follow the guide lines, take the help that is provided and give it 100%.. And it has worked so far.... I am excited for you Laura ...Krista..

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


on 2/17/14 10:20 am

Hi Dolce,

I too am going in for a revision with Dr. Klein. I had my stomach stapled in 94 at Scarborough Grace and had a hernia repair in 2007. I have real bad acid reflux and Dr. Klein has told me that once I have my revision the acid reflux will be gone. 

Good luck Dolce and Krista way to go with your awesome weight loss! 

Orientation 05/31/13. Met Dr. Klein 07/11/13. RD, RN, SW on 09/17/13. Dr. Glazier 10/23/13. Sleep Study 10/25/13 . Dr. Posner (Psychiatric Consult) 11/21/13 .Dr. Glazier 11/21/13 (results of Sleep Study) GREEN LIGHT! Dr. Klein on 12/02/13. Scope on 1/23/14. GREEN LIGHT with Dr. Klein! PATTS 05/07/2014. Surgery May 21, 2014





Linda K.
on 2/17/14 10:40 am - Omaha, NE

Hi there.  I am so sorry that you are going thru this.  I also had stomach stapling in2003.  I had nothing but problems.  What weight I lost I gained back.  I also developed diabetes and high blood pressure and arthritis..  You can get a revision but you need to find a surgeon who deals with revisions.  I had my revision last month and have started to lose weight.  I have had problems due to fact that my old surgery caused its own problems ( staple line disruption, ring was put in too tight so it caused. Constant vomiting) but I would do this again in a minute.  Keep fighting for your revision.  You deserve a healthier and happier life.  Good luck to you.


on 2/18/14 3:52 am - North York, Canada

I'm another revision - VBG in 2001, R-en-Y November 14, 2013. :) I'm 3.5 months out, and am down 61lbs. Acid reflux is gone, no more aches and pains, no more vomiting. Dr Klein was my surgeon, and he's amazing! :)

You're going to do GREAT!

Referral to Surgeon: February 12, 2013 Appointment with Surgeon: April 24, 2013 Endoscopy: April 30, 2013 Referral sent to Bariatric Registry: May 2, 2013 Orientation Appointment: May 27, 2013 Dr Klein Appointment: June 6, 2013 Second Upper GI Series: June 11 Dr Glazer: August 12, 2013 RN/RD/SW: August 29. 2013 Follow-up With Dr Klein: September 23, 2013 Start Opti: October 23, 2013 Surgery Date: November 14, 2013 


on 2/18/14 9:29 am

acid reflux, i so dislike that feeling....i am going to remain positive and only hope that my family doctor follows through this time, i called today and the secretary wasn't even aware that he recommended i go see Dr Hagen...ugh

you all seem to be doing great, i hope i'm as lucky....i believe in life there is always room for second chances and i know this time around if god is on my side that i can do it properly with the support of my family and the guidance of the doctors/clinic and of course this forum and all of you!!!!

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