Any Last Minute Thoughts To Help Me?
Most nervous about the SW ( any advice?) I do deal with anxiety and depression - am not medicated ( mine and Dr's choice for years now) and always access help when I feel myself spiraling. ( might as well be honest since my life has become an open book since navigating these waters) - Haven't spiraled for over a year and a half I should add.
As for the Nutritionist - you say they go over it with a fine-tooth comb? What are they looking for? ( besides the obvious that I'm not gorging on junk foods, unhealthy choices etc) It's not like they gave us a guideline or told us what to do to prepare for these appointments - (part of my anxiety - which makes it hard for me to understand - how can you tell us we're not doing the right things if you haven't told us what to do yet?? - besides the obvious).
As always thank you everyone for listening to my rambling thoughts as I navigate my Journey to a Healthier Me :)
Hope you're All Enjoying Some Smiles Today,
Referral Aug27 013 Confirmed Oct 12 2013 Orientation Jan6 2014 (HRRH) 1st Surgeon Appt Jan18 2014 + BloodWork SW/RN/RD Feb14 2013 Dr Glazier Mar6 2014 Surgery June 27 2014
Take a deep breath and relax. Just be honest with all your appointments. I don't see you having any issues when you have access to support as needed.
As for the nutritionist, take your food journal (or write what you've been eating over the past week) and they'll go over it with you and suggest any changes you may need. It may not be junk necessarily, but they may suggest a little more of this, and a little less of that. The nut basically looks for balanced meals and balanced days. Making sure that you are drinking enough and getting enough nutrition. It's something that you may not spot yourself. And if you are having any trouble areas, they'll make suggestions on what you can do to work on them. If you have too many trouble areas, you may have to go see her again after working on them.
Don't be nervous about the appointments :) They are there to help. As others have said, be honest. If' you're lying to them you're only lying to yourself.
I was completely open and honest with my journal and the SW. I now have a second appointment with the NUT and SW. Neither liked what they saw and felt I needed some time to work on things to be better prepared for WLS.
My first appt. was end of Dec. My next is tomorrow. I made some significant changes in that time. Some people did figure it out ahead of time to change things. I didn't. I went in there bad habits and all. I admit I don't know how to eat, that's why I'm in this situation. The NUT looked at my journal, she wasn't critical. She even mentioned that somethings weren't bad, but needed amending. That's about it.
GL and be honest! :)

REFERRED: June 19, 2013, ORIENTATION: September 23, 2013,1st SURGEON (Dr. KLEIN) APPT. October 10, 2013 RN / SW / NUT: December 20, 2013 DR. GLAZER: January 7, 2014 2nd SW / NUT: February 14, 2013, 2nd SURGEON (Dr. KLEIN) APPT. March 31, 2014, 2nd APPT. DR. GLAZER: February 4, 2015 PATTS: February 19, 2015 SURGERY: March 13, 2015
on 2/12/14 11:43 pm
Hi, Don't worry, I also suffer from acute depression and anxiety, just answer their questions honestly and also they will probably send your doctor a form to sign stating he will continue to care for you after surgery. I had no issues and neither should you. With anxiety I know its not easy waiting for your appintments, wondering what will happen ect.. it will all work out!! BIG HUGS !!!
Thanks Everyone for the Reassurance!! It really is Appreciated :)
Just gonna jump on in to this pool and get my feet wet....
Printing out Labels to take with me tomorrow ..... I even took a picture of the rink-a-dink kid size plate and fork and spoon I've been using - hopefully it makes them laugh atleast haha
Referral Aug27 013 Confirmed Oct 12 2013 Orientation Jan6 2014 (HRRH) 1st Surgeon Appt Jan18 2014 + BloodWork SW/RN/RD Feb14 2013 Dr Glazier Mar6 2014 Surgery June 27 2014