Panic Is Setting In
I know I shouldn't be, but I can't help the anxiousness I am feeling and know so many of you have had the same feeling.
Friday I go to meet the RN, RD and SW @ HRRH and I know I am prepared or thought I was, but this morning for some reason - I feel like I know
I have tracked and journaled for a month straight - anything and everything that have passed through these lips...
I have practised mindful eathing, chewed slower, chewed to a pulp/paste and made healthier choices ( not EVERYTIME, but most times)
I am measuring my food and being careful about portion sizes ( I'm pre-op so I still need to eat more than crumbs darn it)
I have studied my books, this site and any and every piece of literature they have given me.
I have a great support network around me and in place.
Yet - here I sit - dumbfounded and worried that I am going to "Fail" this part of my Journey that I want so badly.
How did you all get through this portion? What if any ideas or tips could you offer? Or stories of experience to calm my jets?
Thanks Everyone - you've all been my saving grace - reading your Journeys and following your suggestions - you've all come a long way!!! I can't wait to be on this path.
Referral Aug27 013 Confirmed Oct 12 2013 Orientation Jan6 2014 (HRRH) 1st Surgeon Appt Jan18 2014 + BloodWork SW/RN/RD Feb14 2013 Dr Glazier Mar6 2014 Surgery June 27 2014
Just stay calm.. You will be good
Take all your journaling with you, let them look at. They will just talk with you and ask some questions to make sure that you know what you are doing and that you know this is a life changing event.
Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!
Life is GREAT!!!
Had my plastic surgery!
Hi Leanne, I was forewarned that most everyone has to return for a second appointment, at least most of the people in my support group had to . I have to!! They want to tell them about the operation and the food stages. and then the dietitian goes over your journal with a fine tooth comb. Don't worry about remembering everything I thought i had forgotten it all as well...but they told me i knew the Operation and food stages better than anyone but she hated my journal... yep i was truthful and shouldnt have been..but oh well I"ll go back and everything should be fine..justg dont tell the social worker you ate something cuz you were bored!!!! they give you homework!!!!! ITS ALL GOOD, the end result will eventually get a date!!! and your journey will continue!! good luck you will rock this portion!!
I also had 2 appts... I didn't sweat it. It's part of the process. I cut out all the junk I ate. I had homework too, I think we all do, no matter what centre you are with (I was thru TWH) I just kept my eye on the prize, I knew that I needed this to improve my health.
It's better to be truthful; not being truthful to the centre, is also not being truthful to yourself.
I am 3.5yrs post WLS (and now 5weeks post plastic surgery).
Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!
Life is GREAT!!!
Had my plastic surgery!
on 2/11/14 9:25 pm
I was nervous as well, but I felt at ease once I met and spoke with each of them. Remember they are there to help you. For sure bring all your food journals ect. Answer their questions honestly and you will get by this next step. You will come out on Friday after it all and say to yourself, what was I worried about... Good Luch and Keep smiling :-)
Deep Breaths Deep Breaths - Thank you Everyone for the reminder that "que sera -sera" and it's all part of the process.
I have that personality though - I struggle with set-backs or speed bumps ha! This isn't something I can control though - and obviously haven't been able to control my mouth or I wouldn't be here baaahahaha ( you know what I mean)
Most nervous about the SW ( any advice?) I do deal with anxiety and depression - am not medicated ( mine and Dr's choice for years now) and always access help when I feel myself spiraling. ( might as well be honest since my life has become an open book since navigating these waters) - Haven't spiraled for over a year and a half I should add.
As for the Nutritionist - you say they go over it with a fine-tooth comb? What are they looking for? ( besides the obvious that I'm not gorging on junk foods, unhealthy choices etc) It's not like they gave us a guideline or told us what to do to prepare for these appointments - (part of my anxiety - which makes it hard for me to understand - how can you tell us we're not doing the right things if you haven't told us what to do yet?? - besides the obvious).
As always thank you everyone for listening to my rambling thoughts as I navigate my Journey to a Healthier Me :)
Hope you're All Enjoying Some Smiles Today,
Referral Aug27 013 Confirmed Oct 12 2013 Orientation Jan6 2014 (HRRH) 1st Surgeon Appt Jan18 2014 + BloodWork SW/RN/RD Feb14 2013 Dr Glazier Mar6 2014 Surgery June 27 2014