very frustrated re: time off work for surgery

on 2/10/14 7:43 am, edited 2/10/14 8:31 am

As I am getting closer to surgery, no date yet but meeting the surgeon on March 3, so thinking surgery might be in May with any luck.  I have to testify at a trial for a week in May for my job  and I mentioned it might conflict with surgery but was told that I have to schedule my surgery date around the trial :(

As you all know, this is a very long slow process and its just so frustrating that I might have to turn down a surgery date because of work :( 


on 2/10/14 8:02 am

Ah geez, that is rotten!  Who knows, maybe the trial will be short or get bumped, hopefully so.  Or maybe you will get surgery sooner than you think.  I really hope it works out for you, as I know the waiting is very hard.  Good luck!

Monica M.
on 2/10/14 8:21 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada

contact a lawyer, ask her/him if they can ask you to reschedule surgery. I'm thinking that they may have to work around your schedule, instead of vice versa.


on 2/14/14 10:28 am

They can't make you change your surgery, you tell them when it is and how long you will be off.  If it helps, I went back to work full time 10 days after my surgery with no problems.

on 2/16/14 10:59 am - Canada

If you do have to schedule around your work obligations remember that in the grand scheme of things a few week delay in surgery really isn't as big a thing as it might seem right now.

Sometimes the best support  you can get isn't all purple puddles and pink rainbows.

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