Supporting those on opti

on 2/10/14 11:37 am - Canada

I just want to assure everyone that I had my surgery and I am doing great.  Opti fast was more difficult then anything I have ever had to do in my life.  It was literally like being a heroine addict and thrown into lockup with no help or support.  

I want to say that I agree with the first commenter.  I never did post my issues.  I didn't have to.  Do a search of cheating on optifast.  I don't need to post I got a sense of whet most people where saying and I could NOT afford that.  Unfortunately I heard similar comments from my center.  

I knew that I was going to be fine after my surgery.  I haven't veered off plan or even think about.  I think opti was difficult because you go from eating to drinking.  With twh there is no veggie munching.

I know this is a public forum but why can't we not jump on people and spend a little time looking at the reasons that someone is critical.  When you are struggling, any of you, remember a time when you truly were suffering.  How would you want to be treated?  Suck it up, you don't deserve it, you are cheating yourself... Whatever, how hard would it be to say... I understand the difficulty, how can I help you not to cheat, because it is so important?


If you are struggling with opti, please email me.  I will give you my phone number and I promise to help you and not shame you or judge you.

You don't need to hate yourself or go through it alone.

on 2/10/14 12:19 pm - Leeds, AL

I had my surgery September of 2012 and I joined another forum for support. I never had anyone rude to me personally but I could not believe how rude some adult women were acting. It reminded me of high school. Some of these people acted holier than thou and I deleted my account. No one is perfect and everyone will cheat and have bad days. You had surgery on your stomach not your brain telling u to eat, eat and eat. I have lost 116 pounds with 15 more to go. Since Christmas I have struggled with my diet. I joined this group in hopes to find friends in the same boat  as I. Good luck on your journey. U can do it. Just ignore those people with bad attitudes. They make be having a bad life and it makes them feel better about them selves to be mean to others. 

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