Progress! Finally!

on 2/7/14 2:12 am

Hi everyone!  I've been quiet on here, but have been lurking and am happy to see all the amazing results everyone is having! WTG!

My doc sent a referral in the beginning of Dec and I'd been waiting and waiting to hear back.  I didn't receive a letter as the Guelph website said I would, but on Tuesday this week got a call to "remind" me of orientation on Thursday!  Turned out my dr office (still) had my old address on file even though I'd changed it with them at least a few times....

SO, orientation went well, very informative, and I called the office this morning as my 17 month old twins get up at about before then is my chance and it turned out I was the first to call back and due to the need to fill in appointment times I got 3 appts still in February to attend!  Yay!  Nurse Feb 13, Dietician Feb 24 and Social Worker Feb 25.  Called my fam doc and am getting in there Monday to get bloodwork requisition and other paper work done.  

This is FINALLY actually moving forward and progressing!  I'm so excited and I can't wait to be the new me!  My goal before that first appointment is to lower my coffee intake to 1 cup a day and eliminate pop completely.  Pop won't be so will be my biggest challenge!  

On that note, I'd love to add a signature to add appts and things to but for the life of me I can't figure out how?!  If anyone could steer me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it.  

on 2/7/14 4:26 am, edited 2/7/14 4:27 am - Canada

That is great that you have received your orientation and appointments so quickly. Be proactive and hopefully everything will zoom by for you. This board is amazing. Good luck with everything.

The following is a link to making a signature.

This is a link for a ticker....


             RNY Surgery February 10th, 2014



on 2/7/14 7:48 am, edited 2/7/14 7:48 am

The same thing happened to me with my address, they sent it to my old one by mistake.  Delayed my orientation a little, but I guess these things happen.

It took me 5 months to get to the point you are at, so while it seems like a long time, you are going quicker than most people.  Glad to hear you are making changes - I too found coffee more difficult than soft drinks.  find a good decaf and it will help a lot.  I am working on not eating with meals now, which is a hard habit to break. But the hardest is eating small bites, as I tend to eat too fast and large bites. Best of luck with this crazy process...

on 2/8/14 12:42 pm

That's great news! I also got a referral the beginning of December and have been waiting to hear from Guelph. Maybe I'll give them a call on Monday.

Again, congrats on getting the process started!



GUELPH. Referral: Dec 6/13. Orientation: Mar 6/14, Post-op Diet Class: Sept 22/14, Meeting with Surgeon: Dec 2/14, Surgery: Jan 22/15

on 2/28/14 1:14 am

Thanks everyone!  Things are going well until I got the call today about the H pylori (see earlier post).  I guess usually it's 6-8 weeks for the follow up but they had an opening at 5 weeks so I took it!  I'm SO ready for this.  I'm eating 6 times a day, protein each time.  I've changed the way I feed myself and my family..LOTS of vegetables, proper portions of meats, limited starches...and I feel great!  I'm never hungry because I'm eating so often.  I'm drinking my 8 cups of water a day no problem and have cut back to 1-2 coffees a day, which the dietician said is just fine. NO fast food.  NO sodas.  I'm so ready.  I can't wait for the weather to get better so I can get out more with my 18 month old twins.  Exercise is the hardest thing right now.

Orientation Feb 6 @ Guelph, Nurse Feb 13, Blood Work Feb 14,

Ultrasound Feb 19, Dietican Feb 24, Social Worker Feb 25

Follow Up Appointments with all 3 Apr. 3 2014

on 2/28/14 2:05 am

sounds like you are off to a great start :)



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