Questions, thoughts, fears and frustrations....

on 2/6/14 10:13 pm - Medicine Hat, Canada

Morning everyone,


I am coming up to my one year mark and will not be able to be at my one year appointment (moved to Alberta) and I can honestly say I am going to miss going to the clinic. I have lost over 130 lbs, but I thought I would have reached my 150 lbs goal... I know since I have moved here I am feeling insecure and during the holidays with my family I started craving sugars, and I am little concerned that I going to fall into some old habbits ( actually I am alot concerned). I come here for support because I don't know where else to go ...there is nothing in Medicine Hat Alberta ( I think I need to start a group).

How do I go back and re-focus? How do I chuck away all these insecurities and fears? Feeling frustrated and vulnerable here!!!

on 2/6/14 10:33 pm - Arnprior, Canada

I'm sure that the move has put a lot of stress in your life.  The move for one, then if you don't know many people in Medicine Hat, and everything else.


1. Stay on this forum.

2. Check the Alberta forum, see if there is anyone around Medicine Hat on there.

3.  Go back to basics, if you're not journaling any more, go back to it.  Not just food, activity and emotions too.

4.  Join or start a walking group/class.

You will be fine, and get through this challenge.  The biggest thing, is to believe in yourself.



on 2/7/14 9:16 pm - Medicine Hat, Canada

Thanks Cathy - all great advice,,,:) yes these are all stresses and I believe journaling is something I need to get back into, need to know how to tackle my little monsters. Have an awesome weekend.

Actually, there is nothing in Medicine Hat and the Alberta Forum is not very helpful, I will be staying on here and visiting much more frequently. This is an wonderful group of people. Cheers!!!



on 2/7/14 10:07 pm - Arnprior, Canada

The hardest part will be identifying the little monsters.  Then you can plan to tackle them one at a time.  Don`t overwhelm yourself by doing it all at once.  Step one will be to start journaling, it may help identify the quiet monsters that tend to hide.

Enjoy your weekend.


on 2/7/14 2:08 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Try to remember you did this for you. I think moving would be very stressful but try to be kind to you. I think starting a groupd would be excellent





on 2/7/14 9:20 pm - Medicine Hat, Canada

Good morning Pam,


Yes I did this for me, and same thing for the move- it was for me. I just need to re-focus on the priorities and I am my most important focus. I posted in the Alberta Forum for a group here in Medicine Hat, no one was interested. Oh well - I will stay here for the support, because we know we need the support. Have a great weekend :)

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