Federal Employees - medical coverage?
I just found out from my benefits rep that Sunlife pays nothing for federal employees unless you are off for 13 weeks or longer. How can this be with the amount of money we pay into this plan? I was told to take an unpaid medical leave and apply for EI, where I will get a maximum of 400 per week. Plus, it can take up to 4 weeks after you apply to actually get the money. What do they expect people to do for that month. They also told me that they take taxes off of the EI money you get - say what??? It just blew my mind that Sunlife does not cover this. Has anyone else been through this? I was told I would get 55% of my pay minus taxes. Does that sound correct? My father worked for municipal government and when he needed surjery he was covered 100% under short term disability. I guess there is not short-term disability for federal government employees? Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated...ughhh!

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard
I have sun life (thru my hubby's work).... It's not just federal employees; it's how sunlife is with everyone.
I am going thru all this right now. I am only part time at my work. I had to apply for EI. I have claimed EI before and don't remember taxes being taken off. The 4 weeks is correct. The 4 weeks is to make sure all the paperwork is in and then they check all the info from the ROE(s) and check your application.
You have to save up money, if you can. I made sure to have my mortgage pmt and some other bill money in the bank because I knew that I would not have any monies at the beginning of Feb.
I applied for my EI benefits Jan 12th and I am STILL waiting! I JUST found out today that my claim is behind because my work hadn't sent my ROE! I then found out that it was a snowball effect due to my Dr's secretary not sending my work the necessary paperwork to support that I just had surgery. She only sent part of it weeks ago and not the rest.
Look into your sunlife benefit coverages as well. Our cover 80% for a semi private room. I am currently awaiting a bill from the hospital (I will have to pay about $100 for 2 nights there)
Your father's STD must have been thru his work, not EI.
Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!
Life is GREAT!!!
Had my plastic surgery!
Ok so that is normal for Sunlife - it is still not cool though.
Sorry to hear that you are still waiting for the money, that must be rough. And all due to a clerical error makes it even more annoying. I have had so many errors in the process so far it is not funny. Its almost like you have to double check everything or nothing gets done. Geez Louise!
Unfortunately I am paycheck-to-paycheck with a mortgage at the moment, and I am single so only the one income. It seems like whenever I have a few extra bucks something breaks in the blipping house and like magic the money is gone.
I think my dad must have had a different insurance company or plan or something in order to be covered 100%.
Thank you for your reply and I hope you get your money soon....
on 2/5/14 7:44 am - Canada
I am not a federal employee, Zizzler, but on my plan at work, you have to exhaust the 15 week medical leave before you can get short term disability. This is after the 2 week waiting period! Do you have any "top up" benefits through you workplace? We get 30% on top of the EI sick leave if we take it. One good thing about taxes, is they do take a lot less tax off of you then a workplace would. I took a stress leave last year, and with the top up, not contributing to my pension and less taxes I made approximately $25.00 less on a biweekly paycheque, easily saved on gas going to and from work. You may want to check out if this is possible, perhaps a union benefit? I am a single person too....I plan to "save up" my vacation and as much sick time as possible, and hope that by the time of surgery (which I am thinking will be in about August with the constant waiting for tests, psychologist etc.) I will be able to take a month off full pay. Its really hard when you are on your own for sure.
Please check out all your options....there may be something you are missing.
Hi Tracy,
I wish we had a "top off" but we have nothing except EI, insurance only pays after 13 weeks. Someone mentioned income averaging and I will be looking into that, see if I would qualify. I really should have investigated this much sooner, I feel pretty dumb for not knowing this until now. Its at times like this that being single sucks. Usually I am very happy with it, but financially it can be really hard.
It's ok about the mney... I knew that it would be at least 28 days or so. Last time I was on EI, I think it was 32 days from the time I applied til I got my money.
I definitely had to double check, even triple check, everything. It wasn't even the doctor's fault at all. He has been FABULOUS!! I am glad I had other ways to contact him, it made getting a hold of him, much easier and he took care of everything VERY quickly! It's tooooo bad he has someone like her in his office. I know that quite a few people complain about her. Hopefully he gets her figured out and she gets better. I REALLY think he is AWESOME! I am very glad he was my surgeon.
I understand about being paycheque to paycheque. I actually work in a hospital (full time hours) BUT I do other things to make money (clean houses and work at a golf course, when it's the season). So I have been able to squirrel some money away .
Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!
Life is GREAT!!!
Had my plastic surgery!
Some banks/mortgages have a payment holiday, where you can miss a payment with no penalty. I know with my mortgage at TD I can miss 6 payments over the course of the mortgage (I pay bi-weekly). I haven't had to utilize that option so not sure of the exact details, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
Good luck. Hopefully you will get things sorted out.