Diabetes question
I would like to hear from other people how they handled their diabetes during OPTI and after the surgery. I have a specific instruction from the DR. Agarwal to stop using daily insulin while on OPTI and at night to reduce it to a very low dose. I know I would have to monitor it very closely and adjust accordingly, but I am afraid of very low “low’s” and don’t want to pass out at work or at home when I’m alone. I would appreciate any comments or stories if you are willing to share.
Hi JK,
I was terrified of starting OPTI on insulin but honestly I did fine. I was on 80 Lantus, 1000mg of metformin and I used humelog when necescessary, which was atleast once a day. Had to take about 20-60 Humelog. I bought some of those Dextrosal tabs. Check often, especially if you are doing anything different. I had one low and was able to deal with it quickly. Breath, you are going to be great.
I am out of Guelph as well and saw Dr Agarwal. I was also on Novarapid 3x day and 1000mg Metformin 2x day and 140 Lantus at night. I didn't take Novarapid while on Opti and he reduced my Lantus to 30ml as well, I did continue with the Metformin though. Now I take nothing for diabetes .
You really have to monitor your sugars really close. Trust Dr Agarwal, he knows his stuff!
All the best to you, you are almost there!!
I was on the same as u. 3 x rapid and 65 landis at night. 2ooo mg metformin
im 9 months out
they told me to1/2 my medication while I was on opti which I did, and I was fine. Just take your readings like normal. They said it I had four readings below 4.5 then to call your centre.
but I was fine
was not on anything when I left the hospital. Hopefully u will be the same. Best of luck
its the best thing I ever did for my health
I was on two different insulin and the dosage was very high and once I started the Opti I was told to stop all insulin and I never had a problem. I am over 4 years out now and if I can keep my readings good until Nov. than it will be 5 years of no highs than I will no longer be consider a diabetic. It is an amazing feeling to think I could be clear. You have to have normal readings for 5 years to be cleared.

It is very important to check your sugars often during this process. Dextrose tabs are a good idea. You will figure out how much Novorapid you will need as you go along, I still take Lantus (3.5 months out) but thats it. My daughter (7 months out) doesn't have diabetes anymore. So there is light at the end of the tunnel for us all!!!