meeting with haemetologist today - what should I ask?

on 2/5/14 11:32 pm - toronto, Canada

Hi Everyone,

I have had low iron since even before my surgery and have been hovering around 8 since my surgery.  I finally have an appointment with an iron specialist this afternoon at Humber, Dr Chung, and was just checking in with you all to see what I need to ask.  I want to write everything down because guarenteed I will forget half of my questions once I get in there.

Is there anything in your experience that I need to make sure to ask?  Any particular tests, treatments etc?  I talked to OKNEE/Leona a long time ago and she indicated that my levels will not improve without infusions so I expect that as a course of treatement.  Any comments or suggestions are welcome. 



Referral: Aug 3, 2010       Info Session: Dec 12, 2011   
Nurse Appt: Jan 30, 2012    Diet/Nut Appt: Feb 8, 2012
Surgery Class: Jan 24, 2012
Meet Surgeon: Feb 8,2012    Start Optifast: April 24, 2012
Surgery Date: May 8, 2012
Mary A.
on 2/6/14 12:24 am

I am 5 years post-op and until last year I was lucky if my iron would reach was usually around 4-6 and that was trying several different brands suggested by a chemist who was knowledeagble about bariatric surgery..nothing helped I met with the haemetologist and he did a varity of tests and then asked me about my periods..after we had that discussion he told me to get a referral to a OBGYN (and if everything was fine he would do infusions)

I mad ethe app't with the OBGYN, she requested an exam/ultrasound that showed a that time ablation was suggested, but another internal ultrasound was done and the cysts had grown to the size of a baseball and was attached to teh uterine wall so a hysterectomy was my only option at that point. 


Since that point my levels have been around that was my resolve...stop the heavy, heavy periods (because of the cyst) and now everything is fine.


Hope yours can be treated with the infusion.!


prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

on 2/6/14 1:54 am - toronto, Canada

Hi Mary, that is iinteresting info.  at my last physical, my gp indicated that my uterus was enlarged but didn't say much else about that.  I have had heavy periods since I got an IUD a couple of years ago.  Ialso tested positive recently for H Pylori which I hear can be a contributing factor to low iron.  So many things at once and all related... sigh.    We'll see what happens.


Referral: Aug 3, 2010       Info Session: Dec 12, 2011   
Nurse Appt: Jan 30, 2012    Diet/Nut Appt: Feb 8, 2012
Surgery Class: Jan 24, 2012
Meet Surgeon: Feb 8,2012    Start Optifast: April 24, 2012
Surgery Date: May 8, 2012
on 2/7/14 1:01 am - toronto, Canada

Update - I met with Dr Chung who is extremely nice.  She looked at labs from Oct and my Ferratin at that time was 9.  She continued with an exam and discussions re: infusions as if it was a no brainer.  basically explained about the procedure and scheduling etc.  I had additional blood work done at 4pm and they called me this morning at 10am to book the appts. 

My current levels are Ferratin 5 and Hemoglobin is 111.  Treatements start in March.  looking forward to feeling more energetic then.  No wonder I feel like a slug - my level dropped to almost half of it's already low level. 

on a side note - I tried to set up an appt with my ob/gyn to address the comment from the gp 'your uterus is enlarged' and I need a referral for a specific problem from my gp before they will see me.  what a pain in the a$$. 



Referral: Aug 3, 2010       Info Session: Dec 12, 2011   
Nurse Appt: Jan 30, 2012    Diet/Nut Appt: Feb 8, 2012
Surgery Class: Jan 24, 2012
Meet Surgeon: Feb 8,2012    Start Optifast: April 24, 2012
Surgery Date: May 8, 2012
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