Since you say you are falling into the same bad habits, like snacking late and going to bed late, why not try and change this behaviour a bit. I know you had issues with your sleep, and are now in a sort of routine, how about trying to make a new routine. What about making yourself go to bed earlier-- read or play on an ipad or something..just try and avoid the activity (tv?) that leads to you snacking...eventually that routine will take over. Or when the night snacking happens, go have a hot shower- anything to break the cycle of going to the cupboard.
I suffer from severe back issues and am not able to do a typical gym workout etc.. I bought a fitbit and try for a certain amount of steps a day. Its amazing how they add up. And as someone else suggested, maybe just walk around the rink while your kids are at practice.
You have done amazing so far, and overcome some pretty unique and frustrating obstacles. You got this. Good Luck!
i have my OLD wedding ring, my girls want it. Any one divorced or separated realize no such thing as a cheap ring. I have to smarten up and start going to bed earlier. I can eat at 5:30 ish and think why am i hungry. Lots of built in excuses just start excercizing and going to bed early especially with all the 6,7and 8 am practices
I am happy to hear that the scabbies are cleared up-you went through hell!! I am not a fan of greek yogurt but I honestly don't mind The source Vanilla greek yogurt-double the protein-I think 9 grams and little if no sugar and only 50 or 60 calories. You can add a sugar free syrup to it if that helps -Waldens has several flavours and you can buy them at Metro. Would your daughter suffer if she never got another gold fish again? If you don't have them in the house you can't eat them!! I thankfully am not a night time eater but it can be hell for those that are. It is mind over matter and you got through opti fast and you can get through this. Your weightloss has been awesome so keep trucking on and you will continue to be successful! Good luck.
i wont go to a gym because i just don't feel comfortable enough but i do love my wii. both the fit and the zumba game sometimes the whole family joins in but at least it in my own home. i was starting to snack again at night so now at 7:30-8pm i have a 1/2 fat hot chocolate and it seems to hold off the cravings for carb which have always been my weakness.
i found i was making all the old excusses.... just a couple or as of tomorrow ect and just had to kick myself in the butt and remind myself why i am doing this in the first place. you can get back on track .... JUST DO IT
once i told myself enough is enough i steped back on the scale and had lost 8lbs after almost no movement for 5 weeks .....
Here is what I do to help me not eat junk:
#1 Keep it out of my house (but make sure you have lots of healthy stuff you like)
#2 Pack food and drink for while I am out (avoid temptation of fast food)
#3 Keep busy and make a plan - have a list of stuff I like to do. If I am tempted I will....
#4 Make sure the kitchen and dishes are clean (so I will cook rather than going out)
These things help me a lot - hope they help you!
If you know you are getting lazy and into bad habits you need to start now to work on changing them. It is a very slippery slope to go back to the old ways. You are wrong about the flavoured greek yogurt being full of sugar. Read labels. The Source makes very good greek yogurt and only 50 calories. Throw away the junk food that you eat and stop buying it if you know you can not control. Go back to the gym. In a few weeks you be glad that you did