What do i need to bring with me for my surgery?

on 2/3/14 7:24 am - Canada

Can anyone help me with a list of things I should bring with me for my surgery? Keep in mind I am travelling by airplane. I just don't want to forget anything and I have limited funds so i can't just go to a store and buy it if i forgot it.



on 2/3/14 7:58 am
Off the top of my head, the things I found most useful were earplugs, an eye mask, a few sandwich sized ziplock bags (for things they give you to take home), chapstick, comfortable slip-on shoes/non-slip slippers to do your walking, and a travel clock or cell with charger (as you need to drink every 15 minutes and the clock in the room is often obscured by privacy curtains).

What hospital will you be at? Do you have someone coming with you?

Referral: Apr 2013; Orientation (HRRH): Aug 12, 2013; 1st Surgeon Appt (Dr Sohi): Aug 23, 2013; SW/RD/RN: Nov 8, 2013; Internist (Dr Glazer): Nov 14, 2013; 2nd Surgeon Appt: Nov 20, 2013; Start Opti: Jan 3, 2013; PATTS: Jan 16, 2014; Surgery: Jan 24, 2014

on 2/3/14 8:07 am - Canada

I will be going to St. Mikes in Toronto :) February 13th is my surgery date. My husband is coming with me.

on 2/3/14 12:34 pm, edited 2/3/14 12:38 pm - Canada

I brought lip balm in a zip lock Baggie so it did not roll onto the floor tooth brush, hair brush and hair ties, pads or tampons, I used and wore my diva cup, I brought my own jamas and slippers, I had a small lock which I was able to use at TWH to lock up my ipad ,phone and purse.  The hotel kept my suitcase while I was in the hospital we checked out the day of surgery and back in after I was released from the hospital.  My partner slept in a chair by my bed, we tried to get a private room but there were none available.  In my suit case I packed two apple juice boxes, a packet of cream of wheat, protein shakes pre maid and apple sause sugar free, I only drank water the first few days but made sure I had what I might need with me.  I wish in retro I had packed broth as that would have been nice.  We asked the hotel to provide a fridge and it was helpful also the Eaton's Chelsea has kettles which would have been helpful if I wanted the cream of wheat.  Good luck on your journey, and travel well oh one other thing when booking your flight home consider check out time as for me that wait was difficult.  They allowed me to check out late at 130 but my flight did not leave Toronto until 530 I was wiped out......

also brought reg strength Tylenol and needed to buy a thermometer to watch for fever after, oh and my water bottle for the flight home

oh and my shacker cup to mix my last two opti drinks I planned on using chocolate so brought orange extract and brought a few extra packs in case anything happened

 Respectfully Jane
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