What are you doing/eating today (Tuesday)

on 1/28/14 2:39 am

I understand a fissure is extremely painful.....my sympathies to you


Your weight loss is great in one year.....so you are doing everything right!!.....I agree with Deidre re add some fibre one cereal ( for example) to your yogurt......add some green low glycemic veggies....the carbs are good on those......


Good luck with the healing






on 1/28/14 2:13 am

Hello Everyone.

Is there a bright side for you Barb in that you are getting some much needed sleep?

Katherine1: whole wheat english muffin and raspberries are healthy carbs!  Try to have some fresh fruit or veggies at every meal - rainbow on your plate.  For fibre I do that plus throw a handful of bran buds in my yogurt.

As i approach 6 months i find myself feeling hungry and having big eyes in terms of what I eat.  Yesterday was better because I logged and today is so far so good.  Now if only I can get myself riding my bike to work and running outside again - but its sooooo cold.

Exercise: zip


B: 1/2 P28 bagel w 1 tbsp P28 almond butter and 1/4 sliced apple

S: 3/4 apple and handful of almonds and yogurt cup

L: 3 slice lean ham and old cheddar stick and handful of pumpkin seeds

S: 4 oz steak and yogurt cup

D: 1/2 can tuna in water and 1 tbsp miracle whip light, baby carrots

S: 1 square Lindt dark chocolate mint intense

Totals: Cal 1243, Pro 120, Carbs 66, Fat 60

Have a good day all!

on 1/28/14 2:40 am

Deidre you are right about the sleep.....the last time I slept this much was after  any surgery........so the meds plus the nerves likely making me zombie ish






on 1/28/14 3:12 am
RNY on 12/05/13

Barb I made up for your sleep in - I've been up since 2:15!

7 weeks + 5 days

B- iogo blueberry greek yogurt w/protein powder

S- forgot my snacks and ate a protein bar (not all of it and it is a habit I don’t want to get into)

Lunch –hamburger pattie, pickle, mustard

S- hummus and melba (don’t think I will be hungry for a snack)

Dinner  -1/2 pork schnitzel salad

FITNESS PAL Calories  901 Carbs  48   Fat 42  Protein 87

Does anyone ever experience times when you cannot eat as much as you normally do? I just stop eating as I was told, but it’s weird that the amount my pouch wants can very.

Late post today as my daughter is getting nervous driving in this weather so I took her into Kingston to college and I shopped.

Got some things that I think are great for my new eating...I had smart ones meals and put them back...once I read what was in them I think I am far better off cooking and constructing my own meals and freezing them.

I forgot my snacks and was at walmart - bought pure protein bars - now this may sound weird but they scare me...they taste way too good. I can see how someone could slip into wanting one of those a day, or even one an hour!

I have to be more disciplined before I leave the house. I am a Realtor and I can see how I could run into trouble once the weather turns around and I get even busier..I have to say I am proud of the fact that I figured this out on my own...the bars will go into the drawer at the office...and I will stick to premier protein bars as they taste 1/10th as tasty as the pure protein devils once they are gone - In about six months!


Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


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