Beemyne7 / RobynR

on 1/23/14 9:21 am - Canada

How are you doing?  I was hoping to hear from you both today, hopefully you are both doing well, just thinking of you. I totally understand if you don't feel well enough to post updates yet. Wishing you both a speedy recovery.


Orientation HRRH Oct 21,13 / Surgeon Nov 1,13 / SW,RD,RN, Internist Dec 3,13 / PATTS Jan 14,14 / Surgery Jan 20,14


on 1/23/14 9:37 am

Hi Amarachi,

My sister Beemyne7 was discharged this morning from the hospital, she is doing well and will be on here posting soon.

She has made it to the benchbroken heart

Orientation 05/31/13. Met Dr. Klein 07/11/13. RD, RN, SW on 09/17/13. Dr. Glazier 10/23/13. Sleep Study 10/25/13 . Dr. Posner (Psychiatric Consult) 11/21/13 .Dr. Glazier 11/21/13 (results of Sleep Study) GREEN LIGHT! Dr. Klein on 12/02/13. Scope on 1/23/14. GREEN LIGHT with Dr. Klein! PATTS 05/07/2014. Surgery May 21, 2014





on 1/23/14 9:43 am - Canada

Oh, thank you so much for letting me know.  She was so enthusiastic in the halls wanting to start right away.  I am so happy she is doing well!  Please tell her i am thinking of her. 


Orientation HRRH Oct 21,13 / Surgeon Nov 1,13 / SW,RD,RN, Internist Dec 3,13 / PATTS Jan 14,14 / Surgery Jan 20,14


Robyn R.
on 1/23/14 10:31 am - Bowmanville, Canada

HI Jacquie

I am home, and doing well.  Exhausted and uncomfortable but doing well.  It appears that we had the same nurse one night, I hope that she passed my message along as I got yours and Rose's.  I hope that all is well for you.  I am thinking we might be in the same post op class in Feb.  It was easier to know that y'all were there with me.  Recovery room was rough for  me so I was a little late starting in the halls, but when i did, look out!  They actually had to tell me to go to bed last night!


Referral Summer 2012, Orientation June 10/13 HRRH, Dr Hagen July 3/13, Dr Glazer, RN/RD/SW September 19/13, Dr Hagen October 10/13, Surgery January 21/14

HW 290  Opti Start Weight 280.9  Surgery Weight 264.8 CW 207


on 1/23/14 11:29 pm - Canada

Morning Robyn,

I am so happy you are home.  I was pretty uncomfortable for the first few days but feel like a new person today.  Showers help so much!

I am sorry you had such a hard time in recovery, it is a difficult transition to make but sounds like you passed through it to be home today.

My post-op appts are on Feb 19th early in the morning.  I hope you and Rose are also going on that day.  Can't wait to meet you in person.


Orientation HRRH Oct 21,13 / Surgeon Nov 1,13 / SW,RD,RN, Internist Dec 3,13 / PATTS Jan 14,14 / Surgery Jan 20,14


on 1/24/14 7:16 am - Canada

Hi girls,

Well it's great to be home! My own bed, a shower, my fur babies around me!!

I spent the day trying out a routine to get  all the freaking pills/liquid and shakes in. No way I can do 2 protein shakes yet.

Trying to get two premier shakes into a day leaves room for nothing else!!!

My post op is also the 19 TH at noon. I'm going to see if I can go earlier as well. That way I can get a ride in.

I looked for you in the halls Robyn!!  I knew you weren't far from my room, but I wasn't about to go looking!!!

It was so great meeting you Jacquie!!!! Hope we meet again on the 19 th.

How are you girls coming along?

Beemyne7   broken heart 

on 1/24/14 7:42 am - Canada

Hi Rose,

It was so nice to meet you too!  I was really happy to be discharged the next day and could not wait to get out of there.

So good to hear from you!  My appts are at 12:30 then the group nutrition meeting from 1-3 i think.  I totally understand you about the protein drinks, i am lucky to get in one in the day.  I have my soup and am able to tolerate the laughing cow cheese well.  The protein does not add up yet but i am working on it.

Being home is such a relief even if i am uncomfortable. I cannot take the pain meds, it is so gross!! I am crushing regular tylenol and today i had none and am feeling fine.

Orientation HRRH Oct 21,13 / Surgeon Nov 1,13 / SW,RD,RN, Internist Dec 3,13 / PATTS Jan 14,14 / Surgery Jan 20,14


on 1/24/14 8:00 am - Canada

OMG Jacquie, I can not handle anything crushed! Dora tried with apple sauce, and it just came back up ewwwwww..never trying that again!

I got the pain meds, but do not need them, I'm not in pain! Lol, so happy about that at least!

I wi**** wasn't so cold out, I could do some walking, as it is, I'm just kind of wondering around the house...

I'll be seeing you on the 19 then!

I'm not weighing my self till then!kiss

Beemyne7   broken heart 

Robyn R.
on 1/25/14 3:41 am - Bowmanville, Canada

Looks like we are all in the same appts from 1-3 and i have one at either 12 or 1230 cant remember.

WooHoo we will get to meet

I know what you mean about this juggling stuff, hokey dina!  we'll have it all figured out just in time to go to the next phase.  

The pain meds are so gross crushed.  bitter is not the word!

puttering around the house, monday im going to go walk at the indoor soccer arena we have here in town.  It is open mon-fri for an hour for walking so im going to be trying that since it so cold

see you soon ladies



Referral Summer 2012, Orientation June 10/13 HRRH, Dr Hagen July 3/13, Dr Glazer, RN/RD/SW September 19/13, Dr Hagen October 10/13, Surgery January 21/14

HW 290  Opti Start Weight 280.9  Surgery Weight 264.8 CW 207


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