i had to learn the hard way

Linda G.
on 1/16/14 10:06 am - Canada

I hope my story helps anyone else that has been as hard headed as me.  I was doing really well after my surgery. I had great care at TWH, my family and friends were totally supportive and I had no issues with the surgery.   I lost 127 pounds and started to get lazy....I was down to 190 lbs and thought I was well on my way then I started to cheat....just a bit here and there...I was a bit disappointed that I was lucky and didn't have 'dumping' issues.  I love desserts and didn't hold back through December and the holidays.  I GAINED 15 POUNDS IN TWO MONTHS!  It really scared me to see the scale go over 200 lbs.

On Monday of this week, I had a tough discussion with myself.  I threw out the wrong foods (i'm currently in Florida and had my whole family here for Christmas).  I started my protein shakes again for breakfast.  Homemade chili for most meals (I love it) and lots of water.  Since Monday I have lost 4 pounds and I've taken on a new word and repeat it 20 times a day....WILLPOWER!  I am a strong woman for most things in my life but have had no willpower when it came to food.  I believed that if I wasn't liked the way I was (over 300 lbs) that those people were being fake and didn't know the real me.  What a cop out! 

I finally realize that this gift I have received (RNY) really is a tool and I better make good use of it.  I'm putting a sign on my fridge that says WILLPOWER and will remind myself of that word until it is part of my belief system.  I've started reading the posts on this website again and I pray that I have learned my lesson.

I would love to hear of any 'tricks' or advice that has helped others with this self neglect.

Thank you.



referral-July 28, 2011, orientation-September 8, nurse pract-September 13, social worker-September 22, nutrition class-November 1, surgeon appt-November 4,  psych-Jan 11, Catscan-Jan 12, NUT-Jan 20, Endoscopy-Jan 28, Surgeon meeting- Feb 10, Surgery-March 23  Dr. Grantcharov    
(deactivated member)
on 1/16/14 10:43 am

I just want to say Good for you!!! You recognized what you were doing, now you are doing something about it. I think you should be very proud of yourself.

Diminishing Dawn
on 1/16/14 10:47 am - Windsor, Canada

Thanks for sharing.  I hope newbies will learn from this.  

Do not assume that surgery is going to do all the work. It's all about good choices and habits. 

You know what you need to do.  

No magic formula. 

Just knowing the difference between what we CAN eat and what we SHOULD eat. 

Thanks for the post 



17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

(deactivated member)
on 1/16/14 11:02 am

linda  -  thank you so much for you story and your honesty.  you're human -- you are bound to have set backs.  i totally relate to you:  i am a pretty strong woman, but when it comes to food i am hopeless.  

i totally wish you the very best as you 'reclaim' your world.  you've worked so hard - keep going.  you can do this.  hands down.


on 1/16/14 11:14 am - elliot lake, Canada
I.wish there.was.a likale button...not tht i like ur struggle.but i.love ur honesty...this.journry is.a struggle...if it wasnt it.would be.simple....embrace.the.struggle!!! Go girl!!!!"


on 1/16/14 1:15 pm

Congrats on taking steps at 15 lbs.  Some folks wait until much later to address these issues.  It is posters like yourself that made me realize (I am currently 2 years post-op), that this will be a lifelong journey of watching what I eat.  No, I am not like regular skinny folks.  I need to be careful.  Always.  Forever.  So there are foods I no longer buy.


Good luck with your resolve.



on 1/16/14 2:34 pm

Good for you Linda.  You're doing awesome and kudos to you for realizing your mistakes before you packed on too much weight.  15 might be a little problem but it could have been a lot worse!

on 1/16/14 8:57 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Congrats on taking charge. The only thing I can suggest is distraction. When the munchies call find something else to do, hot bath, walk, anything that takes you away from your thoughts even for a short time. List all the great things that you can now do that you couldn't before and put that on the fridge

Good luck we are all cheering you on





on 1/16/14 9:41 pm

Great job, i wish continued success.You have a  great attitude and that goes a long way..kiss..Krista..

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


on 1/16/14 9:52 pm - Arnprior, Canada

Congrats!  You've taken the first step.  Realized that you needed to do something.  Basically, the best advice I can give is to go back to basics.  If you need to kick carbs and sugar again, do the 5 day pouch test.  It does work, as long as you put the effort into it.  And log everything, even on the 5 DPT.  If you are near a beach, walk in the water (gives more resistance than walking on the beach).

In reality, you know what you need to do, and you've started.  Good luck!



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