
on 1/18/14 3:24 am - Brampton, Canada
RNY on 01/08/14

Hey all I just had rny surgery almost 2 weeks ago and I have these things going on and I don't know if it's normal...when I eat I feel the food sit on my chest it dosent go down right away it sits in between my throat and esophagus... Then when the food does get to my pouch I feel like a cramping feeling in my pouch well as a air bubble feeling come up in my throat when I eat or drink... Can a anyone give me a idea of what it could be???



thanks in advance yoyo


Referral sent: Aug/30/2013 Orientation: September/24/2013 Nurse Appointment: September/30/2013 Social worker Appointment: October/7/2013 Psychologist Appointment:Oct/11/13 Dietician Appointment:Oct/21/13 Nutrition Class: Oct/29/2013 Surgeons Appointment: Nov/22/2013 PATTS: December/13/2013 Surgery date: January/08/2014

on 1/18/14 4:59 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 11/19/13

I get that feeling when I eat too much, eat too fast or with dry meats like chicken and turkey.  If I drink water with this feeling I throw up.

I would contact your center to make sure.


Referral sent - Jan 11/13  Orientation - Apr 4/13  Nurse & Dietitian - Apr 8/13 (287 lbs)   Food Class - Apr 10/13  Social worker - Apr 29/13   Nurse, Dietitian & Social worker - Jun 3/13 (284 lbs)   Meet Surgeon - Oct 31/13 (277 lbs)   Post-op food class - Nov 4/13   PATTS - Nov 6/13 & Nov 15/13   Surgery - Nov 19/13 (264 lbs)


on 1/18/14 5:00 am - Newmarket, Canada

Sounds like you aren't sipping slowly or chewing as much as you should be

sip sip sip... chew til the food is mush! 


BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


(deactivated member)
on 1/18/14 11:02 am

sounds like you are eating too fast, eating too much at once, gulping down your food.  

smaller bights. smaller portions.  CHEW YOUR FOOD THOROUGHLY.  remember and uphold the 30 minute drinking rule.

either way, it doesn't hurt for you to check in with your centre to tell them your issue so they can make sure that it isn't something else.

all the best!

on 1/18/14 8:59 pm - Canada

Wow, that sounds painful and unpleasant. I'm going to assume that if you can use the internet,  you can read and follow your guidelines. That being a given, I would have this checked out. Let us know what it turns out to be. 


Surgery date is Oct. 17th, 2013 in Ottawa. I was referred to the clinic in September 2012. The person performing my surgery is Dr Amy Neville. 


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