Why can't I get to my MSG's on my desktop computer?
I have similar problems ever since the site changed I have the hardest time even getting to my profile.....I don't even bother trying anymore......I have to answer any messages on my Ipod since I don't have internet on my cell phone. I hate that blue bar at the top of the screen if it wasn't for that we wouldn't have any of these problems. Someone said that it's because I use internet explorer but why should be have to change to something different. If they just got rid if that blue bar it would be fine......it's doesn't do anything anyway but hid stuff from us. Sorry for the rant but I just had to get that out there. Good luck
I use IE 9 at work, and have no problems.
Sometimes, web developers don't do a good job of keeping code updated for the different browsers. Try putting IE in "compatability mode" and see if that sorts it out.
(to do this in IE 11, So go to the Webpage you want to open. Either go to Tools or hit Alt T then Compatibility View Settings. Add the website you want to include in the compatibility view, then close.The system should “refresh” on its own to open the page.
Orientation at HRH - Jan 13, 2014. 1st Meeting with Surgeon (Dr. Klein) & blood work - Jan 30th. Sleep study - Feb 5th. RN, Dietician & Social Worker exams - Feb 25th, Internist - April 9th. Dr Klein -April 23rd,PATTs Sept 2nd, Surgery, Sept 16, 2014, Opti Starting Weight - 343LB (Aug 26th). Surgery weight 315LB CW 215 17-Aug-2015)
I have also had issues with messages. The past few days it says I have a message - the little number 1 beside messages - but when I open my mailbox there is no new mail. Geez Louise.

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard