What are you eating/doing today ( Friday))

on 1/9/14 7:03 pm

RNY  4 Years 9 Months Post Op


Going to do a little retail therapy this morning......waiting for a tech to repair our A/C this afternoon......sure hope its warmed up in Ontario......balmy here....( yeah you don't want to hear it right?)


STEPS - 9765


B - 2 large mugs of regular coffee

     Premier protein shake


L - 2 Ham - Cheese - Pickle roll ups


S - 9 triscuits with low fat shredded cheese melted on top....they don't sell Kraft Habanero here....I guess that's a good thing...lol


S - glass of Chardonnay with friends


D - Maple smoke salmon - 6 oz

    3-4 asparagus spears


S - Honeybell Tangelo.....a January only treat!!


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,336,  Carbs - 72 grams,  Fat - 46 grams,  Protein - 100 grams


All water....likely 3 litres - plus decaf coffee and tea....vits

Have  a great one   mail






on 1/9/14 8:40 pm - Canada

Well we could live vicariously..... Enjoy your time away from the chill , opps freeze I should say

 Respectfully Jane
on 1/9/14 8:46 pm - Canada
VSG on 09/17/13

 It’s Friday!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend.  enlightened

B-Oatmeal with ground flaxseed  

S- Skinny Latte

L- Shrimp and ****tail sauce

D- Minced turkey and diced tomatoes

S- Plain Greek yogurt with cinnamon

Cal-614, Carbs-35, Fat-14, Protein-89 Sugar-20, Chol-99






























































































































































































































































































on 1/9/14 8:48 pm

Shrimp was one of my "go to" foods my first year.....I credit shrimp ****tail with much of my early success!






on 1/9/14 9:28 pm - Canada
VSG on 09/17/13

That's motivating!

Thank you for sharing that info... any other tidbits (not timbits) re:"go to" foods that you feel helped you during your first year?





























































































































































































































































































on 1/9/14 9:43 pm

I pretty much eat the same things day in and day out....still.........I don't want to have a tremendous amount of variety.....for me that can create problems.....so I stick to what I think of as clean food....meat - chicken - fish.....no boxed meals...****asional I would have PC Blue menu chicken....but really very occasionally)


Go to 's still at almost 5 years Post Op

-Shrimp ****tail

-ham-cheese-pickle roll ups

-green salad with grilled chicken

-steak and veg

-fish and veg

- home made chili and meat based soups - ( veggie beef made with beef tenderloin is a fav_

-tex mex chicken.....still love it....and wow does it fill me up quickly

-cheese....gotta watch this one....I try to use it in moderation - shredded on my triscuits....and max 9 triscuits

-premier protein shake....I like the cold frothy feeling first thing in the morning

-yogurt....though I have backed off yogurt the past year....I love it....but am trying to watch my carbs....and yogurt doesn't really fill me for long

Miracle Filler....for me its chicken.....grilled chicken fills me fast......4 oz is max....and I am stuffed....all these years out and I still try to keep to protein and green veg.......yeah it gets tired sometimes.....but it fills me up.....my biggest issue is the in between....and I love good bread....which I indulge in occasionally.....( and immediately feel my gut bloat)......


I do not purchase food in boxes.......I just see a big salt shaker every time I see a boxed meal/protein.......part of the issue for me is to keep from getting my taste buds activated too much......I am now used to eating blander foods.....rather then being a super taster about food.......hey my food tastes great to me.....but I really like simple fresh foods flavored with spices and herbs....and pepper.....I loves me some pepper


Hope this helps






on 1/9/14 10:06 pm, edited 1/9/14 10:09 pm - Canada
VSG on 09/17/13

Thanks Barb, this is very helpful.

As you can see by my repetitive menus, I'm a pretty basic eater...not much variety. I was never a foodie -- nor did I ever say no when a foodie prepared me a meal. I like your approach ... no fuss, simple, fresh foods ... and since I'm not known for my culinary skills, very doable. enlightened





























































































































































































































































































on 1/9/14 9:44 pm, edited 1/9/14 9:44 pm
RNY on 12/05/13

1 month 5 days Post Op

Are you in Florida Barb? It is supposed to get up to plus 7 here this weekend!

One month check up yesterday went well.  She cut the fishing line off my stomach. So nice to not have it there to strum like a guitar….

All went well. We did discuss calories as someone had posted a question regarding it – my centre is Kingston and she said she wanted me at 800-1000 calories a day. I said I thought that might be hard as when I am full – I am full.  I told her my dog loves that!

She said just make sure your protein is 80-100. I have had no food issues, no throwing up, foamies etc (so far). Don’t want to hex myself. My food intake should be ½ c to 1 cup per meal.

Steps –have no idea as I left my fit bit dongle at work!

B-, Premier Protein shake

S- Mini babybel light and pepperette turkey

Lunch – homemade beef & barley soup

S- hummus and melba

Dinner  - scrambled egg w/milk salsa and slice of kraft fat free swiss, ½ pc blue menu bagel

FITNESS PAL Calories  907  Carbs  70    Fat  30    Protein  85   Sodium  2112  Sugar 23

Happy weekend everyone!

Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 1/9/14 10:06 pm - Canada

Enjoy the sunny South Barb - just know that we are all staring across the border enviously.

It's messy here today as all this crap begins to thaw.

So happy the weekend has arrived - I need to sleep in!

 B - bowl of Cheerios, 1/2 banana, large coffee

 S - 1% cottage cheese, raspberries, granola

 L - 2 turkey bites, 21 g cheddar, 4 crackers, 1 pear

 S - cereal bar, 2nd coffee

 D - fish stew (in the slow cooker right now) w haddock, cilantro, coconut milk, potatoes, onion and fennel


T.G.I.F !!!

on 1/9/14 10:11 pm - Canada

Happy Friday All,

Okay, its Friday and its an awesome day..although the weather really needs to stop being so annoying! LOL


I am ready for the weekend!

Here we go!

B - Protein Shake with sm coffee

S - Hard boiled egg

L - Chili with cheese

S - Greek Yogurt

D - Caesar Salad with half salmon filet

S - 3 Crackers with Liverworst.

Even without the 2nd shake - still getting the protein I need, this is good.


Total Cal - 812

Fat - 32

Carbs 63

Protein 69 


Have an awesome weekend!!


Katie H.

Referral January 2013 - Orientation at TWH March 4  -  Social Worker May 27 - Nurse Practitioner July 11 - Nutrition Class August 26 - Dietitian September 4 - Psychologist September 4, Meeting with Surgeon September 13 - Surgery October 28


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