HRRH lost my questionnaire....

(deactivated member)
on 1/6/14 12:08 am

it's been a month since my info session... then there were holidays, so they are back the first day now.

I called to see when the appointments are going to be scheduled and found out that they can't find my questionnaire that I handed it to the dietician at the session...

Am i starting from scratch now ?

Also, does anyone know what location I should go to to straighten it out ? I think it's going to be faster then calling endlessly and leaving messages :((

on 1/6/14 12:20 am - elliot lake, Canada
Sudbury to the wrong person twice


on 1/6/14 5:44 am - Sudbury, Canada

Mispysmom what happens after the questionnaire is mailed back to them ? I'm just filling mine out now and heading to the family Doctors to give him his copy to fill out. What is the process ?

on 1/6/14 9:48 pm - elliot lake, Canada
After.they get ur papers, they send u lab forms to have, then they set up ur orientation :) its at the old memorial hospital,


(deactivated member)
on 1/6/14 12:24 am

well, I was referred to HRRH. Info session was at HRRH. Person I gave it too works at HRRH. One might think there is no room for error but apparently, miracles happen. I am very frustrated :(

on 1/6/14 12:37 am - Oshawa, Canada

That kinda happen to me....I got my orientation date for Nov.25th...they didn't email my package and I had to call...when I received it the appointment said Dec 16th.. I called and they said to go to the Nov one ....I did the orientation and waited no call...on Dec. 17th I was out and when I got back a call showed on my phone from them and I was so excited...once I got the message that changed...they said I was a no show and they wouldn't move forward till they heard back from me...I was crushed...I called right back and they had nothing on file for me only No Show.  I had passed in my forms and my Dr forms at orientation......the lady was really nice  put me on hold came back , still could not  find anything but finally she came across some papers and mine were there...I don't think it put me back much another lady that went the same day had saw the surgeon in Nov  but her other appointment were for March 10th ..Mine are March 11th...good luck and hope it works out soon...


Referral - October 3-2013 /  Family Dr. Confirmed - October  31-2013 /  Orientation call - November 11-2013 / Orientation (HRRH) -November 25-2013 / 1st  Surgeon Appt (Dr Huynh) - January 14-2014 /  SW/RN/RD - January 17-2014 / Dr Glazer March 25-2014/ 2nd Surgeon Appt (Dr Huynh)- April 10-2014 / Surgery date - August 7-2014

Robyn R.
on 1/6/14 12:41 am - Bowmanville, Canada

The office is at the finch site in the professional building.  I have never had a problem with phone calls however.  They can also email the questionnaire to you to fill out and fax/mail back. 

If they are just opening again after the holidays, give them a day or 2.  Things are crazy in healthcare after the holidays.  I am trying to sort out now and prepare for surgery in 2 weeks.


Referral Summer 2012, Orientation June 10/13 HRRH, Dr Hagen July 3/13, Dr Glazer, RN/RD/SW September 19/13, Dr Hagen October 10/13, Surgery January 21/14

HW 290  Opti Start Weight 280.9  Surgery Weight 264.8 CW 207


(deactivated member)
on 1/6/14 9:43 am
Thanks for replies. Got a message after work saying that they will schedule a surgeon hopefully by the end of this week. No mention of my paperwork still :(
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