a nice thing that came from my car accident

(deactivated member)
on 1/5/14 3:12 am

something i didn't mention ... when i was in the ambulance, the paramedic kept on yapping at me (i guess he was trying to calm me down).  asking me to recall all my meds, etc..  i showed him my medic-alert bracelet and he wanted to know more about the VSG.  i told him all about it -- he listened.

once we got to the hospital, we were in line with a slew of other lucky souls waiting to get checked in.  during the wait, the paramedic ... all of a sudden ... congratulated me on my decision to get WLS.  he was so sincere -- he told me that i added at least another 15-20 yrs to my life, how awesome it was i did it not only for myself, but for my son.  and he wished me the best in my health before he left.


anyway -- it meant a lot to me to hear that from a stranger - and a medical paraprofessional at that.  he also went on to tell me how he wants to run a half marathon and how fun it is to make fitness goals. 

i have only told a handfull of people about my WLS.  i'm just not a fan of judgment.  i don't judge and DETEST THOSE THAT DO.  so i keep it to myself except to those that i know will support me.  it's nice to know that there are people out there who see the value in this procedure and don't just see it as an *easy way out*.  cause as each and every one of us on here know, WLS IS NOT AN EASY WAY OUT.

Cheers to *US* for making this life changing decision for ourselves first and foremost, and for our loved ones.  We are amazing!

on 1/5/14 3:16 am - Canada

that's such a great story!  I must have missed the first part about the accident.  I hope everything is ok!!

(deactivated member)
on 1/5/14 3:32 am

hey merry -- i got back ended a few days ago and had some issues with pain management after my WLS.

still have pain, but can only take it a day at a time.

happy new year! :)

on 1/5/14 4:00 am - Canada

Sounds scary!  Glad your doing better - rest up and take a few snow days!  (and then a few cold days too!)  We better not lose power again!

Karen M.
on 1/5/14 3:36 am - Mississauga, Canada

Hmmm.... sounds like he has some personal experience with WLS. It is comforting to know that when you mention you had WLS that they actually know what it is. lol  When I was being admitted one time last year the admissions nurse had no idea what a panniculectomy was (had that at the same time as my hysterectomy). I admittedly wasn't at my best - gave her a blank stare and said, "You ARE a nurse, aren't you??"  The paramedics bringing me in nearly split a gut laughing. Oops. enlightened




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 1/5/14 4:44 am - Canada

Nice story! So glad you are alright and doing fine!


Surgery date is Oct. 17th, 2013 in Ottawa. I was referred to the clinic in September 2012. The person performing my surgery is Dr Amy Neville. 


on 1/5/14 4:45 am - North Bay, Canada

Nice story, thanks for sharing it.

RNY - Dec 18/2013

 HW- 333 lbs. Approved for Surgery- 285.4 SW- 272.  GW-160-180


on 1/5/14 6:26 am - Canada

Hi Picantesun  glad to hear your are ok after your fender bender I'm 4 weeks post -op RNY and back in the summer when I spoke to the R.N. and she mentioned a medic-alert braclet but I was trying to take in all that she was telling me that I forgot to ask what should be on it.I don't know if VSG would have the same alert just curious. Thanks





(deactivated member)
on 1/5/14 7:31 am

hey canuck!

my says lots of stuff, but only says vertical sleeve gastrectomy.  i didn't need any other details but that.  when emerg sees it they 'should' know what ... or what not ... to do to you.  

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