feeling discouraged

on 1/3/14 2:04 am - Welland, Canada

I had my vsg done on Dec.9th.  According to my scale i have only lost 5 pounds since my one week check up. I have been following the plan, drinking water only, protein 60 g per day. Is this normal?  Going to see the dietitian next Friday and I am scared that the vsg did not work.

on 1/3/14 2:48 am - Arnprior, Canada

Hi Spicy,

Usually at 3 weeks you run into a stall, this can account for part of what you are going through.  You don't mention how much you lost on Optifast or how much weight you need to lose.  If you are more of a "light weight", you won't lose as quick as someone who is a "heavy weight".  If you lost a lot on Optifast, your body might be taking time to catch up with your new eating habits.  Also, how much water are you drinking?  Are you drinking enough? 

I think that this chart is for RNY, but I'm sure it would be close for VSG as well:

Expected excess body weight loss:
6 weeks - 25%
3 months - 35%
6 months - 55%
9 months - 70%
1 year - 80%

For patients weighing 200 to 250 lbs.
10 lbs. in first 10 days
15 to 25 lbs. in 6 weeks
25 to 35 lbs. in 3 months
35 to 45 lbs. in 6 months
60 lbs. or more in 1 year
70 lbs. or more in 18 months

For patients weighing 250 to 300 lbs.
10 to 12 lbs. in first 10 days
15 to 25 lbs. in 6 weeks
25 to 35 lbs. in 3 months
45 to 60 lbs. in 6 months
80 lbs. or more in 1 year
90 lbs. or more in 18 month

For patients weighing 300 to 400 lbs.
10 to 30 lbs. in first 10 days
25 to 45 lbs. in 6 weeks
35 to 55 lbs. in 3 months
50 to 80 lbs. in 6 months
100 lbs. or more in 1 year
120 lbs. or more in 18 months

For patients weighing 400 to 500 lbs.
10 to 30 lbs. in first 10 days
25 to 45 lbs. in 6 weeks
35 to 60 lbs. in 3 months
50 to 90 lbs. in 6 months
120 lbs. or more in 1 year
150 lbs. or more in 18 months

Each person loses differently, keep with the plan, and I'm sure your weight will come off.



(deactivated member)
on 1/3/14 9:05 am, edited 1/3/14 9:07 am

Hey cyn - 

take a look at my tracker.  i had my VSG on October 29.  I lost **0** during the first 3.5 weeks post-op.  the 20lbs I Have lost have just been within the past 5.5 weeks.

I stalled right out of the gate.  

I have only lost about 1.5 lbs in the past week.  I am now teetering between 239.6-240.1lbs for the past 3-4 days.  

My restriction is legit -- i am pretty sure i am getting in my required minimum protein -- i can guzzle non-calorie drinks in abundance and with ease --.

The most important thing I can tell you is please do not get caught up in where everyone is at.  Also, try not to get caught up on weight loss charts.  I know during my first 3 weeks of **0** loss I was so upset and researched like crazy and hung on to every word someone said about VSG weight loss.  I didn't ease up until I started to see my weight plummet.  

Patience is such a virtue with the VSG.  I don't know what your starting weight is, but if you are a *lightweight* like me ( i started at 259) rumour has it the weight will come off much slower than someone starting at 300+.  

I feel so good about my VSG.  I have had no hair loss, and so far my blood works comes back perfect (no malabsorption).  I can literally eat everything i could before (but i naturally choose to follow my plan and eat significantly better quality foods than before) -- just in much smaller quantities.  Naturally, I am still healing and some foods have not agreed with me (oatmeal, rice, pasta) but in time I should be fine with them again.  I really think we are kind of blessed to get the VSG.  

Please feel free to message me if you want to talk about your experiences.  I know there is a VSG group in the US forums but I kind of like the people in the Ontario forum more so I hang out here a lot.  I know there are a lot of other ontario VSG's you can connect with.  Keep posting and they will pop their heads out to respond.

Keep up the great work.  I can't wait to hear your excitement after your first **SUDDEN** 10lb loss!! :D


on 1/3/14 11:24 pm - Canada
VSG on 10/30/13
Please listen to the above response. It is so true. My weight loss has been very sporadic and I have the VSG. I look at the weight loss of other's and worried...but everyone is different and when I saw my surgeon he said I was doing well. I was worried about my follow up appt. And I was told they expect stalls at anytime during the process. Some are experiencing it right from the beginning and some are later. Try not to worry...youa re not alone in these kinds of worries. You will lose...it may be completely different than other's. It will happen :)


Referral Feb 2012, Orientation at Guelph Nov. 29/12, RN, SW and NUT Feb. 13/12, 2nd RN, SW and NUT April 26/13, Dr. Agarwal May 7/13, SW May 22/13. HW 334lbs, CW 269 lbs. Post-op nutrition course August 1/13, Dr. Jules Foute Nelong Sept 9/13, PATTS Oct 9/13, Opti Oct 16/13, Surgery Oct 30/13.

on 1/4/14 12:35 am - Welland, Canada

Thank you for helping me. I am feeling better about my choice now. enlightened


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