simple science

Monica M.
on 1/1/14 7:30 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada
on 1/1/14 11:53 pm - Canada

Looks very interesting! 

Susan M.
on 1/1/14 11:56 pm

I'm not sure I agree with it all... I've done a lot of research, and the studies over the past 70 years show a much more complex reality, it's just very difficult to find them (I have no idea why they are not more mainstream), probably because the diet/work out industries are such big money makers.

Monica M.
on 1/2/14 1:15 am - Penetanguishene, Canada

it just makes sense to me. taking in less than you put out = weight loss. I don't know it should be more complex than that.

Susan M.
on 1/2/14 2:23 am

That is pretty simple, but there are many complex things going on under the surface.  The website factors in 'genetics', but genes can be switched on and off in seconds.  I need to track down all the papers I read, there's a lot of interesting facts that play into it, but depending on your type of 'genetics' it can be a bit depressing.

It also helps explain why these surgeries are so amazing since there are a lot of  genes and hormones that get switched around, a lot of theories are thrown around, but some very honest doctors/nutritionists etc. will admit that much of how things happen are yet unknown.  

Monica M.
on 1/2/14 9:06 am - Penetanguishene, Canada

i think that things like genetics and hormones and all of that can affect your hunger, what you prefer to eat, etc, but as far as losing weight goes, its numbers.

IN - OUT = ?

on 1/2/14 12:42 pm

I really liked the part of this site that lists the best foods to eat, ones to eat in moderation, and ones to avoid.  Very clear and I like the symbols, makes it easy to see why each is important. 

As for hormones, I have PCOS, which causes weight gain and trouble losing weight.  There are also other conditions that cause weight gain/trouble losing weight. It is not just that your hunger is effected.  Here is link if you are interested: ic-overview

Been struggling with this for nearly 30 years now, finally decided rny is my only hope to have a chance at being at a healthier weight.  1 in 15 women has pcos.


Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

Susan M.
on 1/2/14 1:12 pm

Not to mention medications like anti-depressants. 

Susan M.
on 1/2/14 1:03 pm

What goes in does indeed either get used, stored, or leave as waste, but how it all gets shifted in one way or another is very complex.

I'll just leave some youtube links for some of the documentaries that explain a lot of what I'm trying to say.  Not that they have to be watched, but they are all interesting (if not a bit boring at time).


The Men Who Made Us Fat ''Episode 1/3''  (There are 4 episodes in total I believe)


The Men Who Made Us Thin Episode One (There are 4 episodes of this one)



BBC Horizons (January 2012) - The Truth About Exercise (Just one episode)

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