Dating after Bariatric surgery?

Don 1962
on 1/1/14 6:18 am

Was going to set up the link but ya beat me to it!

on 1/1/14 8:56 am - Athens, Canada

I too have no dating advice but just wanted to say "Woo-Hoo." I just love it when good things happen to nice people.

If it was me I wouldn't reveal this information until I was in a relationship. When you are just getting to know one another it isn't what I would share first. I don't hide the fact but I also don't tell everyone I meet that I've had WLS.

What were you thinking when you said it shouldn't matter what you wear because it's just coffee....of course it matters! I'm certain that the dress you've chosen will work perfectly.  "Soft" and purple both work for me! lol

I wish you all the best on your date and for the rest of 2014 as well.


  "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." -Robert Collier
Join Kingston Ontario WLS Support Group - Online @ OH 

  HW: 267         SW: 248       GW:155       LW: 132      CW: 143-148      

on 1/1/14 8:58 am
RNY on 04/15/13

Just wanted to say hi and glad you are doing better all the time. 

Go on your date and just have fun.

Enjoy the moment.


Referral Oct '11 Orientation Ottawa Dec 9 '11 NP June 25 '12 Sleep Clinic July 27 '12 

Tr to Kingston Aug '12  NP/SW/Nut Oct 1 '12 Pre-Op class - Dec 12 '12 Surgeon  Mar 4 '13    Surgery Apr 15 '13     



   HW 304 CW 175 GOAL 150  

on 1/1/14 10:11 am - Kitchener, Canada

I am in the same situation as you - left my husband after 28 years.  Been on my own for 6 months.  

The first time I went on a date, I had mentioned that I  am on a journey to be healthy.  I am very proud of losing 120 pounds so I said I had lost a large amount of weight and I choose healthy options.  I just ordered from the appetizer menu for my meal. I would say, I don't drink during my meal, but would have the glass of wine before the meal came, and I don't eat much, and I never have desert.  But.. if he ordered desert, I may have snuck in a taste.  At the movies, I said I never eat movie theatre popcorn, and made sure I packed a small snack for myself in my purse.  He ate what ever and I just didn't partake.

Have confidence in yourself and you will shine - he won't see the extra skin or the "flaws" you think you have.

If you want to chat, just Private message me.


on 1/1/14 10:21 am - Canada
Hi! And congrats on the weight loss and it's wonderful things are so amicable while you're going through the separation.

I got asked out on a date when I was 1 month post op. I also was afraid of telling him about things, but after a week of dating, I knew that he had potential to be special to me. He knew I had just had surgery, but didn't want to pry as to what kind. I chose to tell him so early on once I knew that he had that special potential. I wouldn't hide it from others, especially those who could potentially be spending the rest of my life with. The reason is simple - you're in a complete lifestyle change, and you need your other half to support you. Questions will be asked along the way that could make things awkward if he eventually doesn't know. It would be very difficult in my point of view to date someone who doesn't support why you don't eat certain things or why you have to eat a certain way.

In my case, the guy I was dating was very supportive and inquisitive and still continues to support everything I go through. We're now at 4 months dating and I wouldn't have changed anything in telling him about it. In fact, I'm so grateful because this afternoon I had my first ever dumping while I was at his place and I was so thankful he was there to support me. He knows that if things get to a certain point what to tell doctors about my surgery in the case that I pass out or whatnot. It's such a relief to have someone by my side who knows what my life is now post WLS and what I need to do.

That all being said, use your best judgement if you're weary on telling a guy you're dating. If it's something that you see has potential then why not. It's better for him to know about all of you - I think that's just a part of being honest and open. What do you have to lose?

My advice might be disagreed with, but just remember to be who you are and if the opportunity arises go for it - I think you'll be happier about disclosing the information in the end.

Happy New Year! Such a great way to start off the new year than with a date and looking fabulous!!

Highest Weight Pre-Op: 346lbs;. Surgery Weight: 330lbs; Current Weight: 204lbs
Surgery: Aug 2, 2013

on 1/2/14 11:35 pm - Toronto, Canada

I let them know after a few dates. Dinner in the beginning was difficult, because it's so obvious that you can't eat as much. That was my only issue. The other issue was getting intimate and explaining the extra skin. I had no problems talking about my weight loss and the surgery. I'm sure it threw a few people off, but the one that mattered in the end...didn't care :-)

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 1/1/14 10:12 pm - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 09/19/13

Hope your coffee date goes well!!  I am single as well, and have been chatting with men online and have wondered the same thing about when to tell them and not tell them.  Lots of good advice here :)!! 



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