Addicted to Diet Coke! Can I give it up?

on 12/31/13 3:05 am - Canada

I am a total and complete Diet Coke addict.  I really don't drink anything else.  No coffee, no tea, just Diet Coke (mostly caffeine free) with lots of ice and mainly through a straw.  Believe it or not, this is my biggest concern.............are there reformed soda addicts out there?


Referral Sept/13, changed centres to HRRH - Orientation Mar 24/14.  Feb 5, 2015 - SURGERY!!!! HW 286.4 SW 264


Monica M.
on 12/31/13 3:07 am - Penetanguishene, Canada

oh man.. that used to be one of my favourite drinks!! mmm that golden can...


You can do it. Try cutting down at first, or cut out the straw, or the ice, or something. just change it up a bit. Or get it out of your house. Maybe only have it when you're out, as a treat.

Laurie C.
on 12/31/13 4:03 am - Collingwood, ON, Canada

Diet Coke was all I drank, cold, warm, hot didn't matter to me, could have been sitting in the car open for 3 days I didn't care.  I drank about 10 cans per day.  If I got up for a drink in the middle of the night it was diet Coke.

I gave it up and went to Crystal Light (Strawberry Banana Orange) and really haven't looked back, of course now I'm addicted to Crystal Light.  It's all about the addiction.  I gave up my cigarettes too, mmmm Diet  Coke and a smoke, best ever.  2 years gone for the Diet Coke and 4 years for the smokes.


No further cravings for the Diet Coke, actually have 2 in the spare room (just in case, lol) but man I'd have a cigarette in a minute.  BUT one puff would not do.  I'd be right back to a pack a day.

Sorry got off course.

Of course you can give up your diet coke, it's all worth it in the long run. Just find  another healthier addiction.  Try chewing on sugar free candy 'cause I know your mouth is always dry.





Surgery:  June 11, 2012--Dr. Starr--Humber


on 12/31/13 4:43 am - Canada

Wow ........for sure I would qualify as a reformed addict. Diet Pepsi was my addiction. Morning, noon and night.....that was all I drank for almost ten years.

The addiction was easy to break (2 days of headaches) and I kick myself for waiting so long.  Moderation was not something I had down so it was cold turkey for me.

1. Be prepared to have some tylenol on hand.  The caffeine addiction will bring on the headaches within 12 to 24 hours. This only lasts a couple of days but it is so worth it.

2. Don't buy any more. Get rid of what is in the house.It is way too easy to break and "need one".

3. Stock up on something to replace it with. If you enjoy ice.....then have diet ice tea/diet green tea/crystal light drinks all available.

Some people suggest going off of it slowly but I have always struggled with that. I found committing to quitting it was the fastest and most successful way.

Good luck :)

             RNY Surgery February 10th, 2014



on 12/31/13 5:36 am - Canada
RNY on 12/10/13

I can totally relate.  As a night shift worker it was my only go to drink.  I took all of the diet coke out of my house once I met with the nutritionist back in the spring.  I did drink it at restaurants though until I started optifast.  I also started trying every type of water flavouring so that I may find one that was actually tasty to me.  I am 3 weeks out of surgery and I broke down the other day and poured a medicine cup full full of diet coke and made it flat just to have the taste.  It was really good and I don't feel like I need to do that any more now.  I am sure that I will break down in the future again but I am actually enjoying the taste of the flavoured water and all of my protein shakes.


Referral: June 2012, Orientation: Feb 2013,Meet Surgeon: April 2013; Meet SW, RD, RN May 2013; Meet Surgeon again Aug 2013, Surgery Dec 10, 2013

on 12/31/13 6:01 am - Canada

You can do it. You would never see me without a diet coke in my hand. No one thought that I would be able to give it up. I did it cold turkey. Just walked away from it. Now you see me with my water bottle all the time. I go no where without it. I am going to be honest it has been the last few weeks that I am truly missing the pop. I think the reason is a person I have met and become good friends with and we hang out together a lot and she is always drinking pop. She has it with her meals and when we play cards. I am finding it hard with everyone drinking the stuff and I start to wish I could have it. I have got from the states grape crush that you had to your water and it so taste like grape pop so I do use that sometimes to make it feel like I am drinking pop



Caroline K.
on 12/31/13 7:16 am

I never had issues with soda, and went cold turkey no problem. Ice cream, on the other hand, was literally my drug of choice. I could easily eat 2 litres in a day. It sounds a bit strange, but I saw a naturopath who practiced the Nambudriprad allergy elimination technique ( and after he treated me, I hardly ever touch the stuff any more. Turns out I had issues with dairy, fat, and sugar, especially when together. You may have a food allergy, and be reacting to something in the diet Coke. Just a thought...

on 12/31/13 7:50 am - Canada

Thanks for all your stories/experiences - it's nice to know that I'm no alone out there!  I'm thinking that I will finish up what's in the house - which will be sometime next week (or this weekend).  I drink mostly caffeine free, so I don't think the headache will be too bad.  Yes, I have a constant dry mouth.  This is due to medication that I take for depression and is partly why I always have a full glass with lots of ice next to me...........I tried going off the meds, but looks like I'm going to need them for life....better to suffer the dry mouth!

I'll stock up on different flavours to add to water and see how that goes!


Referral Sept/13, changed centres to HRRH - Orientation Mar 24/14.  Feb 5, 2015 - SURGERY!!!! HW 286.4 SW 264


on 12/31/13 9:39 am - Canada

YES!!  It's totally possible! 

My (negligent) parents had me drinking diet pop since I was 6 yrs old.  I grew up to be a Coke Zero ADDICT.   I  slowed down to one a day the months leading up to my surgery, then cut it out totally when I started optifast pre-op.  EXCEPT for the one I had the day before surgery.  LOL  Had to have one last hurrah! 

I haven't had a drop since and as much as I crave it, it would be way to painful to drink it, be counterproductive and NOT worth the effort to get off it again.

I kicked coffee too!  Being thin will be much better than having fizzy water or muddy coffee!





on 12/31/13 9:54 am

I was addicted too....Coke Zero had my last one the day before surgery prior to fasting. 

Sweet tastes were and still taste way too sweet since surgery not sure how your tastes will change if at all but I don't even think about it or want on.

Good luck!


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