3 weeks out and 'not feeling it'

on 12/30/13 4:06 am - Canada
RNY on 12/10/13

Disclamer - This is a Vent and Self Pitty Post - if you don't like these posts then save yourself the time and don't read it

Today I had strong hunger pain and it made me really sad. Since surgery i usually feel more of an empty ache every 2 hours but never a hunger like i had this time.  I know t is early out but i worry that my pouch is too small or isn't working as intended... maybe my little hole is too big and food plops right on through? I am sad that I can eat so much - more than I expected.  I envy those of you who are having trouble transitioning through the food phases. I have only dumped once and that was on just the smallest bite of egg off my daughter's plate (never been good with eggs).

I don't know what i was expecting from surgery but I was expecting that food wouldn't be so easy to consume. I am easily getting all my protein in- yesterday i was at almost 100g of protein and water is only tough because i feel like i am eating/hungry all the time and there is that half an hour before and after rule.  While my eating style has changed and i am taking my sweet time to eat and chew and weigh and measure I don't know if it is enough to help fight my life long battle of the bulge.

I have also been losing very slowly ( like 1 lb a week for the past 2 weeks and i am only 3 weeks out) which i know you have all been through stalls but they are tougher than I anticipated.  I need to get over my slump and depressed feeling couch-potatoiness.  I have been nothing but tired and grouchy for over a month now and I am driving me nuts!

When did you all start exercising - i know to lift weight and stuff we need to be cleared by a surgeon but i have a treadmill since it is too icy and cold to go outside  - Is this ok to use.  I feel that maybe if i get off my ass it might give me more energy.


Sorry for the long post but I just needed to get this out. 


   RNY  - December 10 2013 Dr Lindsay Toronto's Saint Joseph Hospital Toronto

on 12/30/13 4:41 am

i know this probably doesn't help but i am 3mos out and still 'not feeling it'. serious buyers remorse, because it seems nothing but a very soft food diet agrees with me. i am so sick of poached eggs, greek yogurt and sf jello.

others will say our pouches are still healing, and what you are feeling is probably 'head hunger' and not real hunger.

any soft foods do slide right on through, meaning they don't stay in your pouch very long which could be why you feel hungry every so often. just make sure you are getting protein, protein, protein! this is what will make you feel fuller longer.

on 12/30/13 6:49 am - Canada
RNY on 12/10/13

Thanks for replying - I didn't know soft foods move through quickly - maybe when i get a little further out I will learn to work it and which foods stick around longer.

   RNY  - December 10 2013 Dr Lindsay Toronto's Saint Joseph Hospital Toronto

on 12/30/13 5:25 am - Canada

Hey there!  It is a waiting game to be sure and there are a lot of ups and downs and trials and errors, gastric upsets, going back to square one.  All the things you are feeling are justified.  The week I hit my sixth month mark from surgery I found that my stomach started to feel better, much better!  Was able to accept different kinds of food that it didn't like before - and sometimes still does not want.  I started exercising two weeks ago.  I also found that I was not eating enuf and bumped up my calories to around 1400-1500 - started losing again, almost immediately!  The stalls are the worst and I wondered every single time if I had reached the end of the road.  Before exercising two weeks ago I had stayed relatively the same weight for about 6 weeks and thought it was the end.  Lost five pounds since so who knows, now, if it will continue - hope so!!  Its not always so easy, please keep persevering!!  Time goes by....

on 12/30/13 6:48 am - Canada
RNY on 12/10/13

Thanks for the words of encouragement.  It is always nice to hear you are not the only one and to know how other people overcame the humps and bumps :) thanks

   RNY  - December 10 2013 Dr Lindsay Toronto's Saint Joseph Hospital Toronto

(deactivated member)
on 12/30/13 7:14 am

i am 2 months out and i know how you feel -- sincerely.  my weight loss has been slow for what i was expecting ... until i realized that it was part and parecel with a VSG.  also, everyone loses differently -- and how many times have i read/people told me to NOT COMPARE MYSELF TO OTHERS.  this so such a true story -- please try and hold true to this.  please take piece of mind that the surgeon did do good work.  you will loose the weight.  how long it will take, no one can say.  your body will decide that -- and that is OK.  also keep in mind that there is benefit in a slow and steady weight loss.  this is still hard for me to believe in (since i so badly want to go from size 24 to 12 in a month), but  there is great health benefit in a slower loss.

hugs to you -- you will win this battle.  follow your program and YOU WILL WIN!


on 12/30/13 7:23 am - Canada
RNY on 12/10/13

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I wasn't expecting anything super fast but man i was hoping for faster than what it has been.  Or maybe I thought stalls wouldn't bother me as much as what they are.  lol whatever it is Thanks for the reminder to take the battle one day at a time

   RNY  - December 10 2013 Dr Lindsay Toronto's Saint Joseph Hospital Toronto

on 12/30/13 8:18 am - Welland, Canada

I am also 3 weeks out today. I feel like the only thing I am losing is my mind.


on 12/30/13 9:24 am - Canada

Thank you Katie.  I am having trouble going through the phases but on good days I am starving.  Especially at night.  I am able to eat a little more than a cup at a sitting and i think its weird!  I dnt feel happy, yet either. I am with ya hugs

  Surgery Date: December 6 2013 Humber River Regional Hospital Dr. Sohi  


on 12/30/13 9:35 am - Canada
RNY on 12/10/13

Yah where the hell is this lack of appetite other experience!

   RNY  - December 10 2013 Dr Lindsay Toronto's Saint Joseph Hospital Toronto

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