3 weeks of ups and downs

on 12/19/13 10:17 pm - Canada

I am starting to get into some bad habbits again of grazing at night. Part of the problem is out of nowhere I got this rash about three weeks to a month ago. Little red dots then some where big almost like bites. When to doctor and said I could try reactin or benadryl and gave me a topical cream. Did this for 10 days a nothing. Went back and gave me a very strong steroid cream and its doing nothing. it doesnt bother me to much during day but at night I almost stratch my skin off. I usually fall asleep and wake up scratching. He has recommended me to see a dermatologist but it is probably a two or three month waite. Nothing is new in diet , soaps clothes etc etc. I think it has to do with the surgery.

WIth all the extra up time at night I am starting to nibble more and more, I am still loosing a little but it is so frustrating trying to change everything and getting this. Any one else having these problems that aren't helped by over the counter problems. I am even using Aveena liquid soap and moisturizing after shower but notice nothing better

The worst parts are on my butt and behind my leg and inner thighs. I shower everyday etc


on 12/19/13 11:02 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Really no suggestion for you. I did read someone had a reaction to their vitamin pills. Until you see the dermatologist I guess all you can do is an elimination diet including all pills you are currently taking.

I hope you find a solution, the rash sounds awful!





on 12/19/13 11:30 pm - Peterborough, Canada

I used to suffer from rashes and it was all a result of stress in my life...no matter what cream/soap steroids I tried-nothing helped until I got divorced.  Then the rashes cleared up.  I can totally relate to the nighttime of itching and wanting to rip your skin off.  If you are going to eat at night make it a protein snack like a turkey pepperette or something.  Eat it slow and only allow yourself one.  Drink lots of water as that will keep you full as well!!   Good luck.  Like Pat mentioned maybe try switching your vitamins-that might be it as well.


on 12/19/13 11:57 pm - Canada

I have never had a rash ever. I was separated in March 2012 and have had my own place since November 2012. Have my kids every other week and things are going pretty well. No real stress other than ordinary stress. I have used the same vitamins (upurity since day one and use the Costco protein drinks -chocolate and vanilla) the only other thing is b12 and I take it by putting the strip on my tongue. Nothing else has changed but maybe I will stop with the b12 for a while.


It is so painfull at night it is unbelievable, if I had longer nails I would be covered in blood from scratching


on 12/20/13 12:37 am - Peterborough, Canada

I do feel for you!!  I had to get gel on my nails so I wouldn't tear my skin apart but I found ways!!  I hope you figure it out soon!!



Diminishing Dawn
on 12/19/13 11:55 pm - Windsor, Canada

At 6months out I developed a rash.   It was different than yours.  Huge, nonitching welts. Three different doctors and three different diagnoses with 3 different creams.  Doctors really just go by symptoms for skin issues.  They know nothing generally about skin issues. 

I waited 3 months to see a skin doctor.

Hubby used to have to put the creams on and it drive him crazy with around 90 welts all over my Trunk. 

By the time I saw the skin doc ,the bulk of the  rash had cleared up leaving ugly purple bruises.  The doctor knew right away it was pityrisasis rosea just by the leftover welts.  Basically nothing I could have done anyway as it's a virus.  

I did find lots of good skin sites online and narrowed it down by pictures.   I was pretty sure what it was.  There are some good sites online of you google that you may find helpful.  

Good luck. 

17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 12/19/13 11:58 pm - Canada

thanks it mostly little red marks but on my butt bigger bumps but everything is itchy but the bum and inner legs and thighs are horrible


on 12/20/13 12:24 am - elliot lake, Canada
sounds like hives, my mom gets them, very uncomfortable...i kni u say u.have little.stress, but.dont.discount the stress ur body went thru with its.recent surgery...good luck!!


on 12/20/13 5:43 am - Canada

Ugh Hockeydad, I was very sensitive to the tape they used for my incisions but that's all gone for awhile now. I also found my skin more sensitive. I am wondering if you've checked your bed carefully for bed bugs? Of course - that's silly I guess because you have a wife and I assume she sleeps with you. Otherwise so sorry to read you are having this trouble. You're still doing really well. 



Surgery date is Oct. 17th, 2013 in Ottawa. I was referred to the clinic in September 2012. The person performing my surgery is Dr Amy Neville. 


on 12/20/13 6:29 am

That sounds really awful :-(

Have you tried the WebMD tool:


You just select the skin option and then put in your symptoms and it will ask questions to determine the most likely cause of the rash.  Could help you narrow down the problem.

Whatever it is it sounds like it is causing you huge distress, so I would keep pursuing treatment with your doctor.  If that does not work try a walk-in clinic or emergency and see what they say. 

Hope you feel better soon.


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