YES! I am back to work!

on 12/17/13 11:41 am
RNY on 04/15/13

Glad for the good news Darlene. 

Bet you are glad to be back to your usual activity level.

Keep healing.


Referral Oct '11 Orientation Ottawa Dec 9 '11 NP June 25 '12 Sleep Clinic July 27 '12 

Tr to Kingston Aug '12  NP/SW/Nut Oct 1 '12 Pre-Op class - Dec 12 '12 Surgeon  Mar 4 '13    Surgery Apr 15 '13     



   HW 304 CW 175 GOAL 150  

on 12/18/13 12:58 am - Canada
VSG on 10/30/13

So glad to hear you are back to work :) Congrats!


Referral Feb 2012, Orientation at Guelph Nov. 29/12, RN, SW and NUT Feb. 13/12, 2nd RN, SW and NUT April 26/13, Dr. Agarwal May 7/13, SW May 22/13. HW 334lbs, CW 269 lbs. Post-op nutrition course August 1/13, Dr. Jules Foute Nelong Sept 9/13, PATTS Oct 9/13, Opti Oct 16/13, Surgery Oct 30/13.

on 12/22/13 1:26 am - Stratford, ON, Canada
RNY on 08/22/13

Happy for you that 2013 is ending on a positive note,

Bright blessings for a fabulous 2014!!



I'm not overweight, I'm "UnderTall"

on 12/25/13 3:26 pm

So glad to hear you are doing better! Merry Christmas and here's to a smooth sailing,  full of health and happiness 2014!

As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health - people, food, situations, things, and anything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Now I know its "love of oneself". Charlie Chaplin

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