HAVE MY SURGERY DATE - feeling glad, sad, mad, and nervous too.

on 12/17/13 1:46 am - Kitchener, Canada

Hi Everyone

I finally have my surgery date - April 15, 2014.

This leaves me with a bunch of emotions.

GLAD - glad the movement is forward and I can start making real plans with my work, my personal life, my health.

SAD - to be VERY, VERY honest, I am sad that my life will change so much, for both me and my wife. I know it sounds like a conflicting emotion but I've  never embraced change all that much but I know this is necessary if I want to live long enough to see grandchildren, or live a much longer life with my ever supportive, drop dead beautiful wife.

MAD - My surgery could have been a lot sooner if the government didn't screw around with funding for these surgeries and the program, the  government reneged on funding so not many, if any, surgeries would be taking place in March. A certain level of funding is agreed to, but then they go back on their word and what happens is a hundred less people (estimate) will get their surgery in a timely fashion.

NERVOUS - I know Dr. Hagen is an excellent doctor, and am happy he told me that he would personally be doing my surgery, because it is a revision. But he was also VERY sure to tell me that it was a lot more delicate a surgery and the chances of complications was a lot higher. The mortality rate of this surgery was also a fact that made me go mmmmm, when I heard it, 1 in 200, odds that make you think. I also know that 3 weeks of Opti-Fast is going to turn this boy into a grumpy cat face for the duration.

Because my surgery is a revision, I have to have an additional stomach scope done in January so Dr. Hagen can check out the plumbing for himself to see what he is in for when he does the full surgery. The days off work are piling up and I hope my bosses don't start getting antsy about all the time off I have been taking to drive to Toronto for my appointments.

Ok,  I guess I have rambled on enough, thanks for listening my rants and raves.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Holidays to all on the board.

Take Care


HW 400, CW 295 Referral Spring 2013 - Info Session 9-30-13 - DW, SW, appts 11-28-13 PATTS 3-20-14 Surgery 4-15-14



on 12/17/13 1:52 am

Hi Ken,

I too am having a revision as well done by Dr. Klein, I do not have a date yet but i do have a scope that needs to be done too on January 23rd, 2014 to make sure everything is ok in there before he does my surgery.


Orientation 05/31/13. Met Dr. Klein 07/11/13. RD, RN, SW on 09/17/13. Dr. Glazier 10/23/13. Sleep Study 10/25/13 . Dr. Posner (Psychiatric Consult) 11/21/13 .Dr. Glazier 11/21/13 (results of Sleep Study) GREEN LIGHT! Dr. Klein on 12/02/13. Scope on 1/23/14. GREEN LIGHT with Dr. Klein! PATTS 05/07/2014. Surgery May 21, 2014





on 12/17/13 2:23 am - North York, Canada

Congratulations on getting a date!

What are you revising from? I had a revision done by Dr Klein on November 14th.

Referral to Surgeon: February 12, 2013 Appointment with Surgeon: April 24, 2013 Endoscopy: April 30, 2013 Referral sent to Bariatric Registry: May 2, 2013 Orientation Appointment: May 27, 2013 Dr Klein Appointment: June 6, 2013 Second Upper GI Series: June 11 Dr Glazer: August 12, 2013 RN/RD/SW: August 29. 2013 Follow-up With Dr Klein: September 23, 2013 Start Opti: October 23, 2013 Surgery Date: November 14, 2013 


on 12/17/13 3:08 am, edited 12/17/13 3:08 am - Kitchener, Canada

I had a stomach staple done about 30 years ago in Windsor which never worked and I never lost any weight, but what it did do is leave me with essentially two stomach pouches which apparently makes the surgery much more risky and complicated.

But I trust Dr. Hagen so I know I am in good hands.


Take care

HW 400, CW 295 Referral Spring 2013 - Info Session 9-30-13 - DW, SW, appts 11-28-13 PATTS 3-20-14 Surgery 4-15-14



on 12/17/13 5:15 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Glad you got a date. I have added ytou to our surgery list. Good luck





on 12/17/13 6:10 am - Canada

Exciting news Ken, you are in good hands with Dr Hagen, he usually has Dr Klein in to assist with revisions also. April will be here befre you know it.

Congratulations for taking charge of your long term health!




on 12/17/13 6:57 am - Canada
RNY on 12/10/13

Good luck - I know how you feel about the wait - I got my date of December 10th back in June but believe me the time will arrive before you know it.

   RNY  - December 10 2013 Dr Lindsay Toronto's Saint Joseph Hospital Toronto

on 12/17/13 7:58 am

Congratulation on getting your date Ken.  I know what you mean about the wait and jumping through hoops.  I heard about the lack of funding and it just makes me so mad.  People are dying waiting for surgery and they just yank funding...if you ask me its is just discrimination against obese people.  We are considered second-class citizens. I guess we can express our displeasure at our next election...

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

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