What are you eating/doing today (Sunday)

on 12/14/13 9:03 pm

RNY  4 Years 8 Months Post Op


Had a great party last night....company didn't leave until after 1A.M. ....lots of cleaning up to do today......and leftovers to consume!!......after this and a few other chores around the house....I intend to be a total slug today

STEPS - 9750


B - 2 large mugs of regular coffee

     Premier protein shake


L - 1 cup of chili with bit of cheddar on top


S - 1.5 cups of walnut-blue cheese-leaf lettuce salad


D - 3 oz roasted beef tenderloin

     1 small fingerling potato

     asparagus - still have some fresh

    lemon curd tart


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,368,  Carbs -  84 grams,  Fat - 54 grams,  Protein - 94 grams


All water....vits

Have a great one   mail







on 12/14/13 10:33 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning Barb. glad your party went well. Got lots of steps yesterday as well so i am sure the extra food did not show up on the scale. This week i have repeatedly forgotten my fitbit. Yesterday I decided to walk to the end of the board walk. Although the snow was blowing for the most part it wasn't too bad. I laughed because the only people at the lake were other crazy dog walkers. I was intending to take the streetcar back. Well a car hit into the back of a streetcar so nothing was moving. Figured I might as well start walking until either a streetcar or bus came. By the time that happened I was nearly to my street so decided to keep walking. I was a little tired but felt great. And I forgot to wear my fitbit yesterday! Later shoveled the snow. I couldn't help thinking that 2 years ago not only could I not have walked that far but i would barely have been able to shovel even this light snow. I really do love my rny!

b 2 eggs, 2 bacon, 1/2 slice whole wheat toast

l soup with beef added, carrots, apple

d swiss steak, carrots, mashed potato

I will add in my night snacks later.

cal 754, carb 57.7 prot 55 (will up this)

off soon for a little shorter walk today.





on 12/15/13 2:58 am

Yeah it really is amazing how much you can do in a day now ....good for you Pat....






(deactivated member)
on 12/14/13 11:17 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

Sounds like you had a great party.  My eating is going to be the ****s today I think considering what I ate for breakfast.  It's just too convenient to grab and go with so much on the go.  Going to pick out our new appliances today and pick up the paint as we should be starting that this week along with laying the hardwood.  Thankfully we don't stay home for the holidays or we'd be in one heck of a mess.  I made 4 batches of granola yesterday and not sure I like any of them or maybe I'm just not in a granola mood.  Will have to sample a bit later today.  I am baking a few things when we get home for dessert for the guys this week.  I still have to make those darn buttermilk biscuits for my son.  We both were so sore last night that even the bed hurt us and neither of us could get comfortable.  I see a lot of sore backs with all this hardwood that will need to be moved around.

B - one slice of thin crust hawaiian pizza, 1 cutie orange

L - chili, 1 oz old cheddar (I actually grabbed the right container this time)

S - greek yogurt with a few tbsp of homemade quinoa granola

D - he said we would go out so if we do it will either be chicken and salad or fish and salad, if we stay home since it's cold, it will be sausage penne casserole that I took out for dinner tomorrow or I could just make some fish and salad at home since I picked up some boxes of the pan sear ones and they are pretty damn good for a frozen fish product I have to say.

on 12/15/13 3:00 am

Having fun picking out things today......it is going to look so great.....

I dont know how you do it....all the turmoil and still cooking up a storm.....what a woman!






(deactivated member)
on 12/15/13 4:04 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

Back with the paint and even more confused about appliances.  I was positive I wanted stainless but they are all so damn shiny.  What happened to them being more brushed and matte.  I did see another set that I loved that looked like oil bronzed copper.  Our usual saleslady wasn't in today so will call and find out she is available so we can talk to her. 

Just found out our contractor is coming back tonight so no dinner out for us. Just finished making a frittata and now have brownies in the oven and want to get one more batch of nuts and bolts made before he gets here so all I will have left to make for Christmas is the buttermilk biscuits.   I wish we had a decent restaurant at our end of the city to order out but unfortunately we don't so I guess I am cooking a day early.  Salmon, oven roasted potatoes and brussel sprouts with a spring mix salad with maple vinaigrette.   I'm glad it takes him 3 hours to get here so I have 3 hours to get organized.  I just remade his bed after stripping it earlier in the week so that's all done at least.

(deactivated member)
on 12/15/13 3:13 am - Peterborough, Canada
RNY on 10/19/12

Out to church and home for a home cooked breakfast and a walk with the dog. 

B Premier protein shake and coffee. 

L 2 eggs, 2 bacon, 1.5 slices Weigh****chers multigrain toast and margarine.

S Oberto Beef Jerky

D Ham slice, scalloped potato, carrots.

S. Mandarin Orange.

Stats Cal 973 carbs 65 fat 36 protein 93 



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