Best Christmas gift EVER

on 12/10/13 4:53 am

Today I weighed 207 pounds.  Not only am I 8 pounds away from ONEDERLAND, but I've lost 104 pounds so far.  That means by Christmas, I'll have two things to celebrate, because I hope to be under 200 pounds by Dec 25. 

I can't get over it some days ... I literally feel like a different person.  Even my skin feels thinner somehow - and softer.  There isn't one thing about me or my mindset that resembles who I was a year ago - everything has changed for the better. 

It will be a difficult Christmas this year since I lost my beloved Dad in August, but I know how happy he'd be for me.  He had terminal cancer and I really think he willed himself to live to see his first great grandchild (who was born in July) and to see me finally blossom - he always saw more beauty in me than I ever did.  I never saw past the fat...


on 12/10/13 5:46 am - Woodstock, Canada

Congrats on your journey and soon to be Onederland goal !! Sorry to hear about your Dad. I am sure he is watching and proud. Keep up the good work ! 


Referral Request at doctor's  Oct. 29, 2013. Referral sent Nov. 01, 2013. Received Notice for Orientation Class Nov. 19, 2013.
Orientation Class  April 07, 2014 St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton.

on 12/10/13 6:41 am

Thank you kiss

on 12/10/13 6:28 am - Canada

I am so happy for you!!!

  November 27th Referral sent. January Group orientation. April 10th Nurse . May 21st Nutrition and Behavior. May 24 Ultrasound. June 26th Group. July 16 Surgeon Surgery August 22



on 12/10/13 6:43 am

Thank you!!  You haven't got far to reach your goal either!  kiss

on 12/10/13 8:44 am - Canada

So much to celebrate for, congratulations. no doubt your Dad is watching over you all smiles!





Mary A.
on 12/10/13 11:19 pm

You have an amazing outlook on the way you live your life and the blessings that you have recently had had happen to you, your positive outlook and determination will help you through the future


all the best~!

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

on 12/11/13 1:23 am - Canada
RNY on 11/20/12

This is fabulous...good for you.  Keep it up and enjoy everyday!


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