What are you eating (doing) Thursday

(deactivated member)
on 12/11/13 11:32 am - Peterborough, Canada
RNY on 10/19/12

I had to start this thread early because hubby and I are driving to Toronto early in the morning, for his PreOp at the hospital (shoulder replacement in January) So here goes

B- Oatmeal, almond milk, protein added

L- protein shake

S-Oberto Beef Jerky

D-Swiss Chalet Chicken Breast (skinless), vegetable medley, Stuffing, cranberry sauce (Likely will bring some home)

S Mandarin Orange

Calories 1011 protein 116  

on 12/11/13 6:01 pm, edited 12/11/13 6:07 pm
RNY on 12/05/13

Debra - I hope your husband's appointment goes well - in addition to his surgery!

I haven't gotten so good as to pre-plan but I am getting there.

I have been logging all my food on fitnesspal and have been making a concerted effort to focus on protein.

My total for protein is in the low 70's which I feel isn't too bad as I was asked to hit 73-100 grams a day. I am one week post-op - 11 a.m. today!

A couple of things I have learned:

- I really don't like protein shakes. The texture really puts me hard over. I do have a case of Premier Protein so I may try to make 'pudding pops' out of them by using my trays that I bought pre-opti. I'm usually not fussy but those lumps - gag!

- I love cream of wheat!! Had it yesterday and really liked it.

- I crush my chewables and was putting it in my applesauce - didn't mind it, but now I am putting the ground up stuff in a glass and adding water and making a drink of it....nicer

- two scoops of vanilla protein powder in applesauce with a sprinkle of cinnamon is yummy it's the easiest way to get 25 gms in me!!

- I have had no backed up feeling or pain in my pouch - do I really have one? Maybe they forgot to do it once they got those holes in me???

Going into Kingston today to have blood work done to check my platelets.  I am still have the black stools and they are going to compare the count I had when leaving Ottawa to what it is now...makes sense - these people we are dealing with are talented individuals.

Sometimes there is no call back, but that is probably due to the high number of people calling in to move appointments up so they can be herded through before others who have been waiting longer... (sorry that is my little 'why don't you call in and see if there are any cancelations' rant).

Today I weigh 274.8 - 5 lovely luscious post-op pounds lost that I don't want to see again - good riddance.

Wishing you all a safe and happy day!

Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 12/11/13 10:04 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Your protein shakes should not have lumps. Usually means they are old. You can shake them up to get rid of the lumps. Glad all is going well. Hope you get an answer for your black stools and yes I love your rant. LOL





(deactivated member)
on 12/11/13 7:10 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

I'm so cold this morning that fully clothed, under a blanket, heat cranked and drinking hot coffee still isn't warming me up.  Now it is -30 outside but damn I am freezing.  I see some homemade soup in my day to keep warm.  Going to do up a bit of cooking for my freezer today in my makeshift kitchen as my contractor will be back next week for 5 days and since I feed him I don't want to be serving canned food or frozen pizzas.  I have to get those buttermilk biscuits done today for my son as well before my stove is out of commission for most of the week again.

B - homemade bean and sausage soup with some hot chili flakes on top to warm me up

S - protein shake, may try warming it a bit and adding it to coffee

L - homemade bean and sausage soup, 1 oz old cheddar, 7 crackers

S - out of greek yogurt so will have 2 regular source yogurt

D - chicken cassoulet and green salad

(deactivated member)
on 12/12/13 8:50 am - Peterborough, Canada
RNY on 10/19/12

Tracey do you have a recipe for your bean and sausage soup. That sounds like something I would like. Thanks Deb

(deactivated member)
on 12/12/13 8:55 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

It's on the recipe forum but here you go.  Sometimes I just use water instead of the boxed broth and add some bouillon packets.  I have used different types of sausages and it's always been good.  I prefer to use the dry beans as I don't like it too mushy but you could easily use canned beans and just not let it simmer as long.  I alter is slightly each time.


Hearty Bean Soup

2 boxes of low sodium chicken broth
1 onion, chopped
2 celery stalks, choppped
1 head garlic, minced
3 cups dried mixed beans
1 large canned crushed tomatoes
1 tbsp paprika ( i used smoked paprika)
salt and pepper to taste
1 lb hot italian sausage (optional)

Saute onion, celery and garlic in a bit of chicken broth until softened in a large stock pot. Add the rest of the chicken stock and put in the dry beans. Bring to a boil then simmer until beans are tender. Add tomatoes, paprika, salt and pepper and simmer a bit longer. If I use sausage, I take the sausage out of the casings and fry it up and break it down then skim any fat off and add to the soup at this point and then let it simmer for 30 mins longer. If it seems too thick, just add a bit of water.

****** I separated the pot in 2 after adding the tomatoes and spices and I put sausage in 1 pot and none in the other. So now I have a completely vegetarian soup with little fat then I have one with some meat and extra fat. It made a huge pot so I figured this was a good way to have 2 different soups, similar yet different.**********

(deactivated member)
on 12/14/13 11:14 am - Peterborough, Canada
RNY on 10/19/12

Thanks Tracey, I should have checked there first I think I will love it. 

on 12/11/13 9:27 pm - Canada
VSG on 09/17/13

Today’s menu is...

B-Oatmeal with ground flax seed

S-Premier protein shake

L- 1 boiled egg, FF Miracle Whip and cucumber

D- Extra lean minced turkey and diced tomatoes and cucumber

Cal-569, Carbs-21, Fat-20, Protein-79, Sugar-5, Chol-110





























































































































































































































































































on 12/11/13 9:53 pm

I started to write this out a few times and was distracted.....plus a late morning has me scrambling

my usual eats this morning....out to a chef catered dinner at a friends house tonight so no idea what the eats will be....but I will try a bit of everything

This is quick....hope everyone is well






on 12/11/13 10:09 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning all. Hope all goes well for hubby Debra. Back at work today with a large box of kleenex. At least I am awake! Need to get away from the goodies at home. I hope to be so tired tonight that after taking the dog out I will just go to bed. I am suppose to go carol singing but don't think I can make it tonight.

b greek yogurt, granola

b baby bel

l. soup with beef and beans, apple

s skim milk protein shake

d chili

s ?

Need more veg in there somewhere, probably dinner

So far cal 790, carb 93, prot 78 Who knew an apple had 22 grams of carb!





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