What are you eating/doing today (Tuesday)

(deactivated member)
on 12/9/13 11:15 pm, edited 12/9/13 11:15 pm - Peterborough, Canada
RNY on 10/19/12

Good morning everyone, although I know I am late. I was at the gym this morning. 45 minute aqua fit class.

B- Oatmeal, almond milk and half tsp of protein powder.

L- homemade butternut squash, red pepper and apple soup. 2 finn crisps and 1 laughing cow light

s- protein shake

D= homemade hamburger stew on 1/2 cup of mashed potatoes

S - small mandarin orange.

Stats  Cals 1137, Carb 108 Fat 30 Protein 84, sodium 2162 ( a bit high) fiber 2

All my vits and water. I had one cookie of the shortbread I baked yesterday. I will try to stay away from them today. 

Everyone have a wonderful day and for those of you with the flu, rest up and drink lots of liquids.



Julia P.
on 12/9/13 11:34 pm - Canada
RNY on 10/16/12

RNY, 1 year post op

Things have been crazy busy, so I've been MIA for a few days.  Sorry to hear that you can't sleep Barb - hope you get a better sleep tonight!  Sorry that there is so much illness going around, too - 'tis the season, I suppose but it still sucks!

This  morning I ran on the treadmill at the gym for 45 mins.  I plan to do either my yoga video tonight, or use my weighted hula hoop (I've been loving it so far - so much fun!).

Here's my eating plan for the day (eating to LOSE some of the gain I've had since leaving for the cruise!):

B - Protein bar, egg, clementine

S - Cheese, pepperettes

L - Tuna salad, spinach salas

S - Carrots with Hummus

D - Baked ham with mustard, asparagus, pudding with PB

S - Cottage Cheese with cinnamon/splenda, SF jello

Totals - 1469 calories, 89g carbs, 70g fat, 129g protein

Have a great day!

Referral - December 2011 * Orientation TWH - March 13th, 2012 * Nurse Practitioner - April 17th, 2012 * Nutrition Class - April 17th, 2012 * Social Worker - April 24th, 2012 * Dietician - May 1st, 2012 * Psych - May 1st, 2012 * Surgeon - August 17th, 2012 * PATTS - Sept. 12th, 2012 * SURGERY TEGH, Dr. Cyriac - October 16th, 2012

Starting Weight - 320 lbs   *   Current Weight - 178 lbs  *  Goal Weight - 165 lbs 



on 12/10/13 2:26 am

Hello all...

Having a lot of trouble getting out of bed and staying awake through the day.  I think its the darkness and how cold I feel all the time.  Not motivated at all to ride my bike (feeling so cold).  I've also noticed the caffeine creeping back the last 2 weeks and was up to 2 servings by the weekend.  So only 1 yesterday and 1/2 c this morning.

Also put my cpap back on last night, I stopped wearing it because it was blasting me so hard I was sneezing all night (yes its clean).  I'm calling for a titration sleep study as I'm down 75 lbs now which is probably the issue.

Labwork from last week's TWH visit was all within normal, although vitamin D was low normal so I added 2000 in the am and again in the pm.

Eats today

B: 1/2 slice P28 toast w 1 Tbsp P28 almond butter and 1/2 banana; 1/2 c coffee

L: 2 clementines, 3 oz salmon w maple/orange/garlic glaze

S greek yogurt and same salmon as lunch

S 1/4 c pumpkin seeds and apple

D 3 bacon wrapped scallops and vegetable

Calotires 1252, Protein 89, Carbs 82, Fat 62

on 12/10/13 3:24 am - Canada

What is P28 toast and almond butter? Just curious, thanks.

Initial referral: March 21, 2013; Orientation: April 26, 2013 (OWMC); Nurse Practitioner: July 10, 2013; Nut/Beh: July 15, 2013; Pre-op Class: September 18, 2013; Internist: September 18, 2013; Surgeon: October 1, 2013; Surgery: November 25, 2013 (Dr. Yelle)



on 12/10/13 3:27 am

P28 bread/wraps/bagels are high protein (14g per slice) - 1 loaf is about 7 dollars but takes me 2 months to eat.

P28 peanut/almond butters have whey protein added (considering do this myself) so 1 Tbsp of butter = 8 g instead of the usual 4 but each jar is 16 dollars (ouch).

I get at health planet.


on 12/10/13 4:36 am - London, Canada

Came back out after 2 years of not being on OH needing to be reinspired and get reconnected because I have allowed thigs to slip a bit.....have 30lbs I need to re-lose!!!  Ugh.  So here is my place to start being accountable.  I was hoping to find this post and am so glad so see Barb that you are still connected and keeping accountable!  I think I fooled myself into thinking that I could ever be normal again....apparently when I stop paying attention things can go poorly VERY quickly!

B - 1/4 of chicken breast, 1/4 cup refried beans, fistful of baby carrots

S - 4 soda crackers with Lite Cheeze Whiz 

L - I cup Beef Barley Soup

S - tofu cubes with veggies stir-fried

D - tofu cubes with veggies stir-fried

S - 4 soda crackers with Lite Cheeze Whiz

Praying that I can stick to this as this is my first day cutting back down on portion sizes and getting rid of the carbs and sugars I have been way over-consuming as I have been grazing nastily!  Can you sense my frustration with myself!?!?  LOL!!!  Anyway...here's hoping!


on 12/10/13 4:58 am

Hi Karla....great to see you on OH again......I am working on 30   ( now 27) pounds of regain too....hey **** happens eh?.....so we dust ourselves off and get to it again






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