Fear sinceAppt with Dr. Glazer

on 12/9/13 9:26 am - Canada

I have my surgery date and have been cleared by all but something isn't sitting well with me since my appointment with Dr.Glazer.  It was the way he spoke with me about my decision to have surgery, he looked at me and said you do know that 1 in 200 (my surgeon said 1 in 1000) die having this surgery, i want to you to understand that. I said yes i have heard this and he looked at me puzzled and said and you still want to do it??

I said YES!, I went home and booked my surgery, have been super excited since but today i read someone's account of the steps to her surgery and pictured myself except i didn't wake up, i died....  I was at work and couldn't stop sobbing, i was beside myself thinking that i am going to die.  I am a severe asthmatic and have always been warned that if i am ever intubated i may never come off the ventillator that even when i delieverd my daughter and the placenta would not come out, they were afraid to do a simple D&C to remove.

I have made an appointment with my surgeon to address these fears but wanted to ask those of you that have gone before me, did you have this fear at any point, did you second guess yourself?  I have six children and truly would devastate their precious lives if i didn't make it and i am having a hard time with this more today now that i actually have a date.


Orientation HRRH Oct 21,13 / Surgeon Nov 1,13 / SW,RD,RN, Internist Dec 3,13 / PATTS Jan 14,14 / Surgery Jan 20,14


on 12/9/13 9:33 am
RNY on 12/05/13

I hope my post didn't upset you. This wasn't my intention. I shared as others have before me only to help people know it isn't as scary as we may think.

You may want to talk to your SW and discuss your concerns.

Sorry for upsetting you. Please accept my apology.

Jo ~  HW:297 SW: 279.6  GW:160 ~ Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at this moment!!  Dr Amy Neville Dec 5, 2013         


on 12/9/13 10:03 am - Canada

Oh Sunny, i am so sorry, i don't want you to think you upset me, i needed to visualize myself in the process and i am glad i had it now and not on surgery day.  I am so happy that you shared your experience, it truly reassures those that are going for the process that everyone ends up on the bench where they wanted to be.  Maybe it is just that i am thinking this is not the process for me and the risk is too great for me to live with.

Orientation HRRH Oct 21,13 / Surgeon Nov 1,13 / SW,RD,RN, Internist Dec 3,13 / PATTS Jan 14,14 / Surgery Jan 20,14


on 12/9/13 9:44 am
1 in 200 is the American statistics. I asked my Dr. If he had anyone die during surgery. He said no, but people have died waiting to have it. There are risks in everything. Good luck!
on 12/9/13 10:12 am - Canada

Great point!!

Orientation HRRH Oct 21,13 / Surgeon Nov 1,13 / SW,RD,RN, Internist Dec 3,13 / PATTS Jan 14,14 / Surgery Jan 20,14


Diminishing Dawn
on 12/9/13 9:58 am, edited 12/9/13 9:58 am - Windsor, Canada

He's giving you an absolutely real statistic.  And yes, I could pat your hand and say there there but no one can promise anything.  We've had people pass away on this board and they were mothers, sisters, wives.  


By far, the outcomes are positive and people move on to have wonderful healthy lives but really no one can make the decision but you. Only you can weigh the pros and the cons.  

That said, it's not unusual to have a two week freak as we call it.  It's normal.  It's a big step.  I've seen many people change their mind or put off surgery.   I've also seen many people fight through their jitters and move on to a wonderful life.  I wish you well with making the decision that is yours and only yours.  


17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 12/9/13 10:10 am - Canada

Dawn you are absolutely right, i need to make the decision for myself, and i think with fears like this and second guessing myself that i have issues that have to be ironed out before i proceed.  I have to remember that no one is pushing me to do this, i wanted this!

Today i am not so sure if this is what i still want and only i can answer that, i think Dr. Glazer was upfront and his statement was fact that i truly have to know and consider.  I know my health better than anyone else and know what the pros and cons are.  I have a big decision and think i will sleep on it tonight, thank you for your valuable input as always :)

Orientation HRRH Oct 21,13 / Surgeon Nov 1,13 / SW,RD,RN, Internist Dec 3,13 / PATTS Jan 14,14 / Surgery Jan 20,14


(deactivated member)
on 12/9/13 10:18 am - Peterborough, Canada
RNY on 10/19/12

As Dawn said only you can make the decision to have life altering surgery and yes there are risks. However you need to ask yourself what the risks to you and your children if you do not have this surgery.

Look honestly at all of your health issues and figure which ones will be improved by losing weight. I can tell you for me my asthma has all but resolved and my Arthritis has been treated by a hip replacement making me more mobile. I do not use my CPAP machine anymore and my high blood pressure medication has been halved. I no longer take any meds for my type 2 diabetes. My health is much improved. I am 58 and I know that would like not have been here in 10 years without this surgery.

Sleep on it for a few days and discuss your concerns with you surgeon by all means. However remember is it very normal to be nervous the closer you get to that date. It is hard to reconcile having a surgery that is elective when there are risks. 

Good Luck with your decision. 

on 12/9/13 11:16 am - Canada
I am just over 3 weeks post op and doing well, I don't have as much experience as some people dealing with RNY but here are a few things I do know. My biggest fear was leaving my four children without a mother, I think this is just a normal concern for any loving mother to have. I also know right up until I got on that operating table I was having second thoughts, I too was told the mortality rate is 1 in 1000 by my surgeon which is equal to having your tonsils out.
Now since my surgery I have lost almost 40 lbs. my leg is no longer swelling and this is the longest I have gone without having a flare up of cellulitis. Just today my husband told me I am not snoring as much or as loud anymore (I have severe sleep apnea).
Has this been easy HELL NO! But I am already noticing small changes that have made it worth while. Nobody can tell you what to do, this is such a personnel decision. You will do what's right for you and what ever that is I wish you the best of luck!
( I see Dr. Glazier tomorrow if you like I will kick him for you ....lol)


on 12/9/13 11:57 am - Canada

I remember leaving Glazer's office feeling the same, he said the exact thing to me also. I think the reality check is good, we all need to consider all aspects of risks and benefits when making our own personal decisions.

I discussed this very thing with Dr Hagen, the fact that Glazer quoted 1 in 200 deaths, Hagen disputed  this statistic, saying that the risk was much lower at Humber,,,,he either said 1 in 800 or 1 in 1000, can't remember which.

You will come to the right decision for you.




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