One Minute Flax Muffin - Low Carb

on 12/9/13 9:15 am

Has anyone else tried these? they are awesome and have 11g protein too. 

They can be easily modified using a little sf syrup or other stuff - very versatile. 

Would this be something for people to eat once they get to solid food? 

Obviously the portion would be too large at first so maybe make mini muffins instead? 95649

Or maybe they would be too dry and thus not a good choice?

I found these really satisfying and they keep me regular too.

I am trying to put together a recipe book for the different stages of recovery so any input would be appreciated.  What do you think?

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

on 12/9/13 10:32 am - Canada

Looks great!

Initial referral: March 21, 2013; Orientation: April 26, 2013 (OWMC); Nurse Practitioner: July 10, 2013; Nut/Beh: July 15, 2013; Pre-op Class: September 18, 2013; Internist: September 18, 2013; Surgeon: October 1, 2013; Surgery: November 25, 2013 (Dr. Yelle)



on 12/9/13 11:17 am

Thank you :-)  Do you think it would be too dry though?

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

on 12/9/13 3:15 pm

Our timelines are only a month off from each other and I am putting together a recipe book too :) I want it finished by January to bring it in to the nutritonist with me and to start making some recipes ahead of time to try out/freeze. I think it would be awesome if we could collaborate and then share with OWMC patients who are new to the journey (I know it's different for every clinic).

             Referral: July 11, 2013         Surgery: July 14, 2014

on 12/10/13 8:29 am

Great idea - there is a forum for recipes here:

Might be a good starting point.

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

on 12/10/13 2:11 pm

Awesome! Thanks for sharing. Are you a part of any of the Ottawa facebook support groups? We have a WLS closet to 'shop' in as you lose weight and donate your larger clothing to for other women and a few online support groups that meet up every few weeks. Great supports and so helpful to ask questions and get encouragement from people in Ottawa.

             Referral: July 11, 2013         Surgery: July 14, 2014

on 12/11/13 10:28 am

I am not but I will look into them - sounds great.  Thank you!

on 12/10/13 1:02 am - Canada

I make a version of these often...very delicious, but I couldn't have eaten then in the early stages post RNY.  11g of protein seems like a good amount, but its likely that you won't be able to eat even half of it for many months and its not a great pouch to protein ratio for the first 6 months. (I'm assuming you are having an RNY).  

I started eating them about a year out.  My variation...

1 tbsp flax seed

1 tbsp chia seed

1 tbsp protein powder (any flavour you like)

Dash vanilla extract

3 tbsps egg whites (I buy them already separated, in a carton)

Sometimes I add cocoa powder and some splenda, or cinnamon.  They are very dense, especially with the chia seeds added...but so healthy and full of omega 3s.  I don't add any other oil and I still find them moist enough.

Good luck with your recipe book....and don't forget to check out the eggface website.  Her recipes really saved me the first year out.

Sandy  Surgery Jan.18,2012 with Dr. Timothy Jackson at TWH.
on 12/10/13 8:31 am

Thank you for your recipe - looks great and even more protein.  I will check out the eggface website as you suggested. :0)

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

on 12/10/13 9:32 pm

It looks tasty but I don't think I would give it a go... only because it has over 230 calories (or so I believe it read from the web site)

Unless this is a meal, I try to keep my protein on a 1/10 ratio.


      Have learned that I can't measure my journey only by what I've lost.  I've gained health and extra time on this earth ... that is most important

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