What are you eating/doing today (Thursday)

on 12/4/13 2:44 pm

RNY  4 Years 8 Months Post  Op


Been lying awake since 12:30 so here I am....at least I don't have to rush out the door this morning to meet my trainer........hopefully will be able to fall back asleep after watching a movie...

Today I am off to a luncheon....the menu isn't great for it but I will eat sparingly

STEPS - 10,045.....ended up doing a few circles around the house to get past my magic 10,000 number


B - 2 large mugs of regular coffee

     Premier protein shake


L - Creamy roasted parsnip and apple  soup.....1/3 of the serving

     Chicken roulade rolled with spinach/sundried tomatoes and ricotta - will eat 2/3

    Green beans and cherry tomatoes

    Glass of wine


D - 2 cups of tomato-pepper and feta salad

     4 oz grilled chicken


S - few fresh strawberries

    1 Baldersons cheddar cheese portion, 21 Grams


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,214,  Carbs - 49 grams,  Fat - 42 grams,  Protein - 100 grams

About 200 calories more then I want to be....I could cut the glass of wine.....yeah thats not going to happen...lol


At least 2 litres of water....vits

Have a great one   mail







(deactivated member)
on 12/4/13 6:51 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

I hope you fell back to sleep as I sure didn't. Went to bed at 1030 and was frozen trying to warm up til 1130 then finally got up and put more clothes on as I was freezing then dozed off half an hour and woke up nauseated and been up since.  I guess I picked up a bug of some sort. DH gone back to work and contractor here until tomorrow so am going to take it easy and hope whatever this is goes away and fast.

B - protein shake

L - veggie and bean soup

S - greek yogurt

D - chicken breast with artichokes, plum tomatoes and garlic, green salad

on 12/4/13 8:16 pm

I did fall back asleep - 4 - 7....hope you feel better soon

Your dinner sounds good.....do you use fresh artichokes?.....I have never handled fresh ones - don't know what to do with them,....but I love artichokes






(deactivated member)
on 12/4/13 9:55 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

I used canned artichoke hearts for this recipe.  Very simple and easy and everyone seems to love it.  I have changed it a bit from the original as they put far too much cheese on it for my liking so I just reduced that and use more garlic.  I made up 10 breasts that way and baked it then froze them and we are now eating them.  I've done fresh artichokes a few times but find them a pain in the ass so don't bother.

on 12/4/13 8:56 pm, edited 12/4/13 8:56 pm - Canada
VSG on 09/17/13

Good morning!

Today’s a busy day full of all the things I love—laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping...ugh!

B-Oatmeal with ground flax seed

S-Premier protein shake

L- Extra lean minced turkey and diced tomatoes

D- 1% cottage cheese and ketchup

Cal-573, Carbs-25, Fat-11, Protein-93, Sugar-13, Chol-119





























































































































































































































































































Onward and

on 12/4/13 9:01 pm, edited 12/4/13 9:02 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Morning Barb, Tracey, and everyone else. :)  Hope you both get better sleep tonight, and feel better soon, Tracey. 

Just got back last night from the Great Christmas Baking Extravaganza with my mom.  Happily, I weighed myself this morning and didn't gain an ounce over the last three days of baking.  Didn't lose any weight either, but that's to be expected, considering it was just about impossible for me to bake without occasionally sampling a bite or two of the results, and occasionally licking dough off my fingers.  I was pretty careful though - one bite didn't turn into 10 cookies.  And we had healthy meals.

However, I am still up three pounds due to a few bad eating days last week - didn't lose those pounds over the last few days of baking, so today, it's back to planning hard and eating well and hopefully getting some exercise in too - I like your idea, Barb, of setting a 10,000 step goal.  I used to walk that much almost every day. No reason why I can't continue to do that. 

Today I have a meeting downtown (not for work, but for a volunteer thing I do - I'm on vacation for most of this week except tomorrow), then my kid has his first guitar lesson tonight, then I'm going to another monthly meeting I do as a volunteer.  Bringing Christmas cookies to both meetings for people who want them, but I'll be bringing my own food for myself so I'm not tempted to delve into the cookies myself.  And I think I'll take the TTC today to the downtown meeting.  My expenses for the meeting are covered, but the TTC is cheaper than parking, and I get a lot more exercise when I take the subway and buses rather than driving door-to-door.


B - Premier Protein shake

S - 1/2 cup light ricotta/vanilla/splenda mix with 1 oz almonds and 1 clementine orange

L - Salmon sashimi and miso soup - not sure how many pieces of sashimi since I've never been to the restaurant before, but I'll count 6 pieces.

S - Another 1/2 cup light ricotta/vanilla/splenda mix with another clementine, or whatever fruit is available at the meeting - they usually have a platter. Repeating because it's easy, and because it's comfort food so will help me resist whatever goodies are served there.

D - I'm going to bring a rotisserie chicken home tonight and make a side of mashed potatoes and salad to go with it. So, 4 oz rotisserie chicken breast, some salad, and 2 tbsps mashed potatoes.

S - 1 cup skim milk, 25g Special K Protein

TOTALS: 148g protein, 60g fat, 74 carbs, 1477 calories

Have a great day, everyone!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 12/4/13 9:25 pm

Morning everyone. I need to get out and get groceries, so my menu will probably change today. And i am still babying my tooth.

B- special K 1% milk.

S- SF pudding.

L- roast chicken with veggies ( mushrooms and peas ).

S- pickle slice and 1 oz LF cheese..

D- not sure yet.

Have a good day...Krista..

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


on 12/4/13 10:05 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Three hours sleep isn't much. If I had the wine at lunch I would be asleep in the afternoon. LOL. I find I do not exercise well in the evening. So yesterday and today I did the bike to get me started. Also some of the exercises from the physio. Also changing my menu a little. see how it works. Had a good evening at TWH last night.

b skim milk, protein powder and mango

s. baby bel and silhouette yogurt

l soup with ham, apple

s hummus, carrot

d ham and egg

s greek yogurt and granola, raspberries

cal 1221 carb 137.4, prot 115 I think I will start to cut the protein powder in half. Less calories and I do not need the protein as much





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