Sleep Study post-op

on 12/5/13 9:31 am

Today I had a consultation at the Civic Campus of the Ottawa Hospital.  I was originally diagnosed with sleep apnea in 2006 and had faithfully used a CPAP until the fall of 2012.  At that time, my machine pressure was set too high for my weight.  I used the nose pillows and the pressure would blow my lips open while asleep and I would have the error message of `High System Leak' when I awoke in the morning. 

The doctor was very happy with my weight loss and general health.  I am scheduled for a new sleep study in January with a follow-up consult in February.  I am also on their cancellation list as I have no young children to look after.        Judy

on 12/5/13 10:07 am

Are you having surgery or doing their non-surgery weight loss program? Cancellation list for what?  Sleep apnea testing?  I am also through Ottawa waiting for surgery.

on 12/5/13 10:09 am

Sorry I did not read your title properly so was confused  - I understand now.  Hope you get to the point where you no longer have to use it.  When did you have surgery?

on 12/5/13 10:59 am

Hiya, I had RNY surgery in December 2011.  I may no longer have obstructive sleep apnea or if I still do, then the pressure will be minimal.



on 12/5/13 7:14 pm

Hi Judy

I hope for you sleep apnea is gone.....

I had a repeat study 18 months after surgery and they indicated I still required the CPAP.....having another one done in the spring to see if its still neck is smaller then the 14" that often indicated apnea....and the reader in my machine says no apnea with a setting of I have my fingers crossed that finally I can get rid of it

You sound good and have done so well .......hope you get the cancelation appointment !!






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