Question to Windsor people

on 12/5/13 6:34 am

Hello all


So  i have my physio appt Dec 13 and my post op class dec 19th


my questions are

1. what do you do at the physio appt

2. and after your last class ( not sure if it is called pre op or post op...I have been cleared by everyone was told this will be my last windsor appt), what happens next? and how long until the hospital you choose contacts you?


thanks in advance

   Ref sent March 27th. Orientation June 27th 2013. Nurse Consult Aug 19. Social-worker and nutrition class Sept 3  SLEEP study Sept 3rd  Doctor Consult Sept 27th...canceled, now Nov 11. Social worker (2ndappt) Oct24   Dietitian Oct 24  Physio appt Dec 13  and final windsorappt post op class Dec 19 Surgery April 8th


on 12/5/13 6:53 am, edited 12/5/13 6:54 am - Canada



1. At the physio appointment...he/she will do various tests(excercise) to determine how fit you are and to ensure you are able to endure such a surgery.  They might make some recommendations but overall it was fairly easy. Wear some comfy cloths and runners(they will check your ability to walk a distance).

2. After the preop class, your file will be sent to the hospital that you have chosen. You should hear from them in 4 to 6 weeks. FYI, last month at our post op class....people who used CPAP needed to have a printout of compliance ....or something like that....before their file could be sent away. I don't use one but if I had....I would not be happy to have another delay. So if you do .....I think it is as easy as calling your cpap provider so you might as well get one.


Just curious, what hospital have you chosen and what has your timeline been like?

Thanks and good luck

PS My class was last month and I haven't heard from Toronto yet.

             RNY Surgery February 10th, 2014



on 12/5/13 7:43 am

I have picked Toronto as well, as it would be easier for us due to family

My time line has been ok I guess, I started this process back in March 2013 and have had to do alot of my own faxing and phoning to make sure the right paper work and test results get to the windsor clinic

I do not use a cpap as I tested  only mild   I did take a machine home to get readings incase the toronto hospital insisted I had one. when I called the windsor clinic the other day they said they needed cpap readings , so I got them faxed.

I am so confused as the Dr wilson in windsor said I didnt need them, but the nurse insisted   so now I dont know???

   Ref sent March 27th. Orientation June 27th 2013. Nurse Consult Aug 19. Social-worker and nutrition class Sept 3  SLEEP study Sept 3rd  Doctor Consult Sept 27th...canceled, now Nov 11. Social worker (2ndappt) Oct24   Dietitian Oct 24  Physio appt Dec 13  and final windsorappt post op class Dec 19 Surgery April 8th


on 12/5/13 10:37 pm - Canada

It is still a good idea to have whatever paper you can get just in case they need it. It would be awful for that to cause a delay so better safe than sorry.  I also agree that there is conflicting information between the Dr and the reception staff.  Well good luck...and if you want...I can let you know just how long it takes to get my surgeon appointment. That should give you an idea of how long or short it will be for you.

Take care

             RNY Surgery February 10th, 2014



on 12/6/13 3:26 am

Yes please let me know. 

   Ref sent March 27th. Orientation June 27th 2013. Nurse Consult Aug 19. Social-worker and nutrition class Sept 3  SLEEP study Sept 3rd  Doctor Consult Sept 27th...canceled, now Nov 11. Social worker (2ndappt) Oct24   Dietitian Oct 24  Physio appt Dec 13  and final windsorappt post op class Dec 19 Surgery April 8th


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