Dumping - but no surgery?
Does anybody know if you can experience dumping even though you haven't had bariatric surgery?
Saturday night, I had a terrible episode where I started feeling dizzy, like I was going to faint. Then I started sweating for every pore in my body and I just felt awful. My hands were tingling, I was having trouble breathing and I really thought I was going to pass out. I sat back in my recliner, and it kept getting worse.
Of course, this is happening on the only night that I am alone in the house! There is always someone home, expect when I feel like I'm having a heart attack! So I called my older daughter, and she's downtown at the Eaton Center. She asks if I can open the front door, and I told her no. I can't walk, I'm so dizzy I'm gonna faint, or just fall over. She calls my other daughter who works about 1/2 away, and tells her to get home asap. I know she's on her way, but I'm feeling worse and worse. Almost like I was terribly drunk. Nauseous, dizzy, sweating, breathing heavy. My poor little Jack Russell was trying to take care of me. My daughter said she has never heard the dog make noises like that - Anyways, I call 9-1-1 because I'm scared my daughter will walk in and I'll be dead or unconscious. I tell the operator that I'm home alone with 2 dogs and I can't open the front door.
I heard the sirens and the banging on the door, so I got up because I figured they were going to break down the door and then who knows if the dogs are going to take off! My daughter pulled up just as they were about to break down the door, so she opened the door and I returned to the recliner.
They tested my sugar, did and EKG, etc and everything was ok. They gave me a shot of gravol and then prepared to transport me to the hospital. I was so dizzy that I couldn't read, couldn't get sentences out etc. Right when they got me outside and I sat on the stretcher, I projectile vomitted (something I never, ever do). After I threw up a few more times, I started to feel a bit better. About 1 hour later, I was feeling much better, could think again, and wasn't so dizzy. They weren't able to pinpoint a reason for what happened.
I had a similar experience Thursday night, but only the dizzy/nauseous part. I walked out of Sobeys like a drunk, got home relaxed and then had something to eat.
Looking back, I had eaten chocolate before both incidents. Sometimes when I eat certain foods, I'll get instant diarrhea.
Is this like dumping?
Yes you can get dumping surgery without having surgery. I experienced it. Talked to my dietician and she did confirm that someone who does not have surgery can have dumping since it is an aversion to sugar, carbs or fat. I would try avoiding the chocolate for a while and see if it occurs again. Could you also possibly be suffering from exhaustion. That will cause some very horrible symptoms
Referral December 3/12 ~ Orientation April 24/13 ~ Nurse Practitioner May 27/13 ~ Nutritionist May 31/13 ~ Social Worker June 3/13 ~ Sleep Study June 24/13 ~ Ultrasound June 27/13 ~ Sleep Study Results August 20/13 ~Nurse Prac. Appointment September 10/13 ~ Surgeon Appt. Dr. Glazier & Dr. Hagen October 16/13 ~ Pre-Surgical Class October 23/13 ~ PATTS November 7/13 ~ Surgery November 20/13
I get dumping from quar gum and careegenan gum. They are often used as thickeners and are listed as all natural. I usually feel better once I have had diarrhea and it has left my body. You seem to have thrown up whatever was bothering you.
I get dizziness, cramping, sweats, I have even blacked out. Check what you ate and what was in it.
Definitely go to your doctor about this. With this strong of a reaction, I'd be watching for more than just dumping. If both times you ate the same kind of chocolate, take the box/wrapper with you. It may mean nothing, or it may mean that you may have been having an allergic reaction to something in that particular type. Even something as small as dye that is used can cause issues. Also, let him/her know what foods cause the instant diarrhea, it may hold a clue too.
Good luck at the doc's.
on 12/4/13 4:56 am - Canada
Ya.....do you have your gallbladder? I don't.....and I have dumping. However, last year I had vertigo (extreme dizziness) and went to the hospital, they told me I had vertigo and it was due to crystals in my ear being knocked out of place ...... which can be done just by bending over. When I told one of the moms in my daughters school, she said she had the same thing and it was a virus. BPPV is what it was called...there is a maneuver you can do to help cure it, just google BPPV. Thought I would mention it just incase =)
One of my best friends experienced something similar- profuse sweating, extreme nausea and dizziness, and felt like she couldn't move and was going to pass out. Also vomiting. This happened a few times over the course of a couple of months and then it progressed to chest pain/thought she was having a heart attack...911 called...er visit, turns out it was gallbladder. The hospital was actually focused on it being her heart, and once ruled it out was just going to send her home. Our chiropractor had actually voiced that she thought it may be gallbladder attacks...and we told this to the er nurse who was thankfully fantastic, and pushed to have more testing. Yup, turns out it was gallbladder, which around 6 weeks later was taken out. She has been fine since.
Hope you get it sorted out soon, and have no more episodes. Take care,

- Referral: Feb 2013/ Guelph
- RNY May 20th 2014 (Dr. Bhojani)
- 2nd RNY (revision due to marginal ulcers) Aug. 10th 2015 ( Dr. Bhojani)
- Revision to VSG (marginal ulcers): March 22nd 2016 (Hamilton, Dr. Hong)
- Total Gastrectomy: Dec. 15th 2016 (Hamilton, Dr. Hong)
Thanks Everybody for your answers. I always thought gall bladder was an extreme pain between the shoulder blades, so I didn't even consider it. I'll ask my doctor to check that out. Also interesting about the crystals in the ear. I'm going to check that out too.
Thanks again, this board is so helpful!