Woohoo I got a surgery date for my Hysterectomy!

Hanneli xoxo
on 12/3/13 10:35 pm, edited 12/3/13 10:37 pm - Sudbury, Canada
RNY on 10/30/12

Been waiting 8 months for a date to get my hysterectomy to deal with my unpleasant menstrual cycle. The funniest thing is I had anticipated later next year so I went ahead and bought a Mirena IUD and had an appointment for Monday to get it "installed" So I had to cancel my appointment. IUD's are expensive, too ($450!)! If you aren't covered by group insurance benefits. The pharmacy wont let me return it! boo! So if you are looking for an unused  IUD still in the packaging at a good price I can hook you up! LOL

Just so excited to finally be getting the hysterectomy on December 18th! He is doing it vaginally so quicker healing time (i heal quick anyhow) I had no vacation time left this year at work so was going to work through the holidays.. looks as though now I get to be off on short term disability lol!

(deactivated member)
on 12/3/13 11:20 pm

I understand your excitement. I had mine 10 years ago, I think every woman should have one lol. Good luck, you will feel so much better!!

Hanneli xoxo
on 12/3/13 11:34 pm - Sudbury, Canada
RNY on 10/30/12

so I hear! and it is being done vaginally so quicker healing time from what the surgeon tells me! I am currently on my very last period ever as we speak! LOL!!!

(deactivated member)
on 12/4/13 12:43 am

Mine was done the same way, you will still have to take it easy of course, the way I felt after words was like I had just had a baby. But it goes away quickly.

on 12/4/13 3:15 am - Canada

"IUD's are expensive, too ($450!)! If you aren't covered by group insurance benefits. The pharmacy wont let me return it! boo! So if you are looking for an unused  IUD still in the packaging at a good price I can hook you up! LOL"

Post it on Kijiji!!!! ( ;  

Initial referral: March 21, 2013; Orientation: April 26, 2013 (OWMC); Nurse Practitioner: July 10, 2013; Nut/Beh: July 15, 2013; Pre-op Class: September 18, 2013; Internist: September 18, 2013; Surgeon: October 1, 2013; Surgery: November 25, 2013 (Dr. Yelle)



Hanneli xoxo
on 12/4/13 4:28 am - Sudbury, Canada
RNY on 10/30/12

I am considering it!

on 12/4/13 3:16 am - Canada

Good for you!  I had mine done vaginally way back in 1995 by one of the leading surgeons in Montreal.  Mine was due to endometriosis and the horrible pain I had day in and day out.  I did leave my cervix though, it helps provide natural lubrication.  The only thing is that I still need to have pap smears done like everybody else.  It was a complete blessing to not go through that pain anymore!  But, take it easy afterwards.  I went back to work after only 1-1/2 weeks off - it was too soon.  Take whatever time the doctor says to take.  You need to move around, but you want to minimize creating new scar tissue.  Best of luck!


Referral Sept/13, changed centres to HRRH - Orientation Mar 24/14.  Feb 5, 2015 - SURGERY!!!! HW 286.4 SW 264


Hanneli xoxo
on 12/4/13 3:21 am, edited 12/4/13 4:27 am - Sudbury, Canada
RNY on 10/30/12

Thanks for the advice! I am getitng it done because I am still of child bearing age (42 & unmarried but seeing someone) and do NOT want more kids (mine are 19 & 22) and I have a reallllly heavy flow since having my RNY done!

on 12/4/13 4:50 am - Canada
Oddly enough I've been researching IUDs. How much are you wanting for it?


Hanneli xoxo
on 12/4/13 4:55 am - Sudbury, Canada
RNY on 10/30/12

$100 :)

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