Nausea when I go more than 3 hours without eating?
So this happened for the first time yesterday - I had to have some skim milk before I could actually eat anything. Fast forward to today, and I actually gagged/vomited the drink of skim milk I'd managed to get in when I realized what was happening.
Clearly I need to be more careful about this, but I'm wondering if this is "normal"? (Basically, if others have gone through the same thing happening.)
Referral to Surgeon: February 12, 2013 Appointment with Surgeon: April 24, 2013 Endoscopy: April 30, 2013 Referral sent to Bariatric Registry: May 2, 2013 Orientation Appointment: May 27, 2013 Dr Klein Appointment: June 6, 2013 Second Upper GI Series: June 11 Dr Glazer: August 12, 2013 RN/RD/SW: August 29. 2013 Follow-up With Dr Klein: September 23, 2013 Start Opti: October 23, 2013 Surgery Date: November 14, 2013
Absolutely-for me any ways.
i have to make sure I eat something every 2-3 hours or I feel very nauseated. It is my new hunger signal.
I decided to add this info from another post I made like this one:
I usually eat every 2-3 hours. Sometimes a bit longer depending on the last item I ate & the time of day. For example, I always have yogurt for breakfast. I find that I start feeling sick (my new hunger signal) about 2 hours later. But, if I have tuna & crackers for lunch, I can go 3-4 hours until supper. I personally wouldn't wait anymore than 4 hours to eat. I feel that because we eat so little at each meal/snack, that our bodies need refueling more often. That is just my opinion :)Referral to Ottawa: Jan/11 Info Session: May/11 Nurse: Feb/12 Dietician/Behavourist/Abdominal Scan: Apr/12 Pre-op Education Class: Feb. 6/13 Meet Surgeon Feb.15/13 Surgery with Dr. Raiche March 12/13!!
The race isn't given to the swift nor the strong, but it's given to the ones who endure it to the end...

Last night I just felt sick. Tonight was actual gagging/vomiting. I have to say, I'm not a fan.
I think I'm going to make 3.5 hours the magic number. I'll have to watch for my new hunger signs - it's odd to have something like that.
Thanks for the insight!
Referral to Surgeon: February 12, 2013 Appointment with Surgeon: April 24, 2013 Endoscopy: April 30, 2013 Referral sent to Bariatric Registry: May 2, 2013 Orientation Appointment: May 27, 2013 Dr Klein Appointment: June 6, 2013 Second Upper GI Series: June 11 Dr Glazer: August 12, 2013 RN/RD/SW: August 29. 2013 Follow-up With Dr Klein: September 23, 2013 Start Opti: October 23, 2013 Surgery Date: November 14, 2013
I have the same thing. I don't vomit but it feels half way up my throat. I also get a hollow feeling in my stomach with a bit of pain. I am now being very careful that I eat at the right times...hope you feel better soon :)
I take prevacid every day - I have my appointment on Thursday, so I'll definitely bring it up.
Referral to Surgeon: February 12, 2013 Appointment with Surgeon: April 24, 2013 Endoscopy: April 30, 2013 Referral sent to Bariatric Registry: May 2, 2013 Orientation Appointment: May 27, 2013 Dr Klein Appointment: June 6, 2013 Second Upper GI Series: June 11 Dr Glazer: August 12, 2013 RN/RD/SW: August 29. 2013 Follow-up With Dr Klein: September 23, 2013 Start Opti: October 23, 2013 Surgery Date: November 14, 2013
on 12/5/13 7:59 am
this experience really forces us to learn the voice of our bodies. we really need to be in tune with our physical needs. i have the same thing happening ... typically at the 2.5-3 hr mark.
for those that are having trouble with this, check out 'mindfullness therapy' and see what you can come learn from it. i find it very useful in relation to my post-surgery life.