Office holiday!

on 11/28/13 5:10 am - Canada

So next friday is my team dinner, I have checked over te menu and I think besides a beat soup (gag), there is a pan seared salmon with risotto. I will be 39 days post op by this time, given that I will not eat very much of it, would this be am ok choice? (Salmon first because if the protien).



Katie H.

Referral January 2013 - Orientation at TWH March 4  -  Social Worker May 27 - Nurse Practitioner July 11 - Nutrition Class August 26 - Dietitian September 4 - Psychologist September 4, Meeting with Surgeon September 13 - Surgery October 28


Onward and

on 11/28/13 5:15 am, edited 11/28/13 5:16 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

The risotto is a no-no.  Rice expands in your stomach and will make you feel bloated and uncomfortable, and even if it doesn't, it's a poor choice that soon out of surgery.  I would order the salmon itself without the risotto if I were you - nothing wrong with salmon!

I would also ask them if they can grill it instead of "pan searing" it (which basically means frying it).  I can do pan-fried fish at a year out, but even now it can make me a bit queasy due to the fat from frying.  At six or seven weeks out from surgery, I'd have been dumping from the fat.

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 11/28/13 5:17 am - Canada

Amazing!!! Thank you, I will let them know. 

I figured no on the risotto, but I will make sure they grill the salmon.

thanks again!

Katie H.

Referral January 2013 - Orientation at TWH March 4  -  Social Worker May 27 - Nurse Practitioner July 11 - Nutrition Class August 26 - Dietitian September 4 - Psychologist September 4, Meeting with Surgeon September 13 - Surgery October 28


Onward and

on 11/28/13 5:18 am, edited 11/28/13 5:19 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

You're most welcome!  Hope you have a great time - it's nice to be able to eat solid stuff again, isn't it? :)

Oh, another thing about risotto is that it's often cooked with a ton of fat, either oil or butter, especially if you get it from a restaurant.  Ain't no diet risotto at restaurants! LOL.

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 11/28/13 10:49 am - Canada

I'm just at the beginning of my journey, so haven't faced this challenge, but at our Christmas party last week, there were a few people who had special dietary needs - gluten intolerance, vegetarian etc.  They were able to get a different meal.  Maybe that would work for you.


Referral Sept/13, changed centres to HRRH - Orientation Mar 24/14.  Feb 5, 2015 - SURGERY!!!! HW 286.4 SW 264


on 11/29/13 12:00 am - Canada

You could ask for mashed sweet or normal potatoes instead of the risotto and eat a bit of that with your salmon

Have fun!



on 11/29/13 1:11 am - Canada

That's a great idea!! I'm gonna go with that and see if I can get it grilled

Katie H.

Referral January 2013 - Orientation at TWH March 4  -  Social Worker May 27 - Nurse Practitioner July 11 - Nutrition Class August 26 - Dietitian September 4 - Psychologist September 4, Meeting with Surgeon September 13 - Surgery October 28


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