Got my date...NOVEMBER 20TH
I got my day folks...November 20th with Dr. Mamazza at OWMC....I'm feeling another post coming as I'm feeling some serious anxiety....At first I did the happy dance in my office twice....and now just hours later I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders.
I have read many posts on the extreme emotions at this stage, but holy sh*t I had no idea it was going to feel this immense. Scared, nervous, doubtful, excited, ready, not ready, anxious, sad, name it I'm feeling something different for what feels like almost every other minute so far. Jeez, how do you channel all this nervous energy??? I can barely focus right now. Big deep breath...sigh....jitter jitter, bite my nails....sigh...jitter jitter, I have no more nails left to bite....sigh..jitter jitter...I'm SCUURD guys.
My counseling starts October 29th the day before I start opti, THANK GOD, cuz I'm gonna need it:-)
Thanks for hearing me out
LeeAnn ~ congratulations!
Of course you're going to be anxious, I am too! Try to relax and enjoy the ride my friend! You've got this!!
I have just starting seeing a counselor recently and she is really helping me understand my frustrations, anger and other issues...I know she will be a big help during this whole journey.
May I ask when you met with Dr Mamazza? Just want an idea of how long the wait is after you meet the surgeon. I meet with Dr. Neville next Tuesday!
I also went through all the same emotions, as I assume we all did, and as someome posted in a reply to me "congrats, you are normal". Even 3 weeks after, I am still going through those emotional highs and lows. Stay in touch with this forum. Even if you dont post, reading that everyone is going through exactly what you are is very helpful. I know it has kept my feet on the ground.
Best of luck. Keep in touch, if there is anything I can do let me know.
Oh my gosh lol - I just looked at your timeline and thought - surgery in only one month - I love it!! I guess you had orientation in 2012? - your timeline says 2013. I got pretty excited there for a minute. 2012 makes more sense. Congratulations!!
Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard
Woo hoo!! Congrats!! :)
Referral to Surgeon: February 12, 2013 Appointment with Surgeon: April 24, 2013 Endoscopy: April 30, 2013 Referral sent to Bariatric Registry: May 2, 2013 Orientation Appointment: May 27, 2013 Dr Klein Appointment: June 6, 2013 Second Upper GI Series: June 11 Dr Glazer: August 12, 2013 RN/RD/SW: August 29. 2013 Follow-up With Dr Klein: September 23, 2013 Start Opti: October 23, 2013 Surgery Date: November 14, 2013