Surprised and not in a good way :(

on 10/13/13 5:42 am

My son and daughter were both concerned at first but agreed to support me with my decision.  I had them research the information as I had done, then once they understood the surgery process and everything associated with it, they were more understanding.  Surgery was done on Sept. 13/13, all went well, and they are very happy and proud of me.

Good luck and I'm sure all will go well for you.


on 10/13/13 2:46 am - North York, Canada

I think everyone else has said everything and anything I would have. I just wanted to add in some support and (((HUGS))) and tell you that no matter what, we're all here to support you and cheer. :)


Referral to Surgeon: February 12, 2013 Appointment with Surgeon: April 24, 2013 Endoscopy: April 30, 2013 Referral sent to Bariatric Registry: May 2, 2013 Orientation Appointment: May 27, 2013 Dr Klein Appointment: June 6, 2013 Second Upper GI Series: June 11 Dr Glazer: August 12, 2013 RN/RD/SW: August 29. 2013 Follow-up With Dr Klein: September 23, 2013 Start Opti: October 23, 2013 Surgery Date: November 14, 2013 


on 10/13/13 12:06 pm - Canada
VSG on 10/30/13

Thank you gwynnkitty :)


Referral Feb 2012, Orientation at Guelph Nov. 29/12, RN, SW and NUT Feb. 13/12, 2nd RN, SW and NUT April 26/13, Dr. Agarwal May 7/13, SW May 22/13. HW 334lbs, CW 269 lbs. Post-op nutrition course August 1/13, Dr. Jules Foute Nelong Sept 9/13, PATTS Oct 9/13, Opti Oct 16/13, Surgery Oct 30/13.

on 10/13/13 8:45 pm

Sorry your feeling very sad right now, I think as your surgery date gets closer, like the other posts have shared with you, many people do get feeling scared or second guess their decision. When someone close to you shares their fears with you, it's a special thing but it also brings out your own fears. It's always such a long wait, then when it gets to close and feels too real like so many other things in life you wonder if this is what you really want, I think what your feeling and going through is perfectly normal! Maybe he is thinking about other times when your health has made life difficult for you both and he is worried there maybe some bumps in the road with this, that can be scary at times. 

 For myself, once I made the decision I wanted and needed to keep going, however  I know of a friend who waited almost 2 years going through the process and finally got her  surgery date, she was so excited at first, then she started on optifast and after the first week, she cancelled her surgery. I think she has had some regrets for doing that now, but at the time it was what she needed to do.  This is a huge lifestyle change and you have to be ready for this kind of journey. She had support either way as do you. Keep in mind why you chose to take this route and who you are doing it for. 

I wish you all the best!  We are all here for you if you need us, and so is your family!     

on 10/15/13 1:51 pm - Canada
VSG on 10/30/13

Thanks time2change :)


Referral Feb 2012, Orientation at Guelph Nov. 29/12, RN, SW and NUT Feb. 13/12, 2nd RN, SW and NUT April 26/13, Dr. Agarwal May 7/13, SW May 22/13. HW 334lbs, CW 269 lbs. Post-op nutrition course August 1/13, Dr. Jules Foute Nelong Sept 9/13, PATTS Oct 9/13, Opti Oct 16/13, Surgery Oct 30/13.

on 10/15/13 2:17 pm

How is his behavior towards you, has it changed? I wonder if this just came up now because he and his dad are scared  that they could lose you, or you could change. I just had surgery and I was nervous at first, but by the time surgery came I was so at peace with my choice. Don't give up your health and I am sure he will support you as he sees how good you feel after having surgery.

on 10/15/13 2:30 pm
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